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Q8iy Blog

As if it was yesterday!

Yes! 2 years has passed since the day I have subscribed in GS, and I feeL that as if it was yesterday when I first subscribed in GS. I'm reaLLy happy that I have met many new nice friends during my 2 year subscribtion in GS, as weLL as GS has reaLLy guided me when picking up my videogames (aLthough many games were under ratd by GS), anyways wish you aLL good Luck and my best wishes.

Happy 22 to ThaiLand!

Today is my birthday! And now I'm 22 years oLd (thank God), what's reaLLy cooL about that is that I'm traveLLing today to ThaiLand (awesome present! :)). I reaLLy wish you aLL a happy birthday and enjoy the exciting oLympics game in Beijing!

LeveL 20!

FinaLLy I've passed LeveL 20! ReaLLy this LeveL is probabLy the sLowest or maybe is the sLowest LeveL in GS. It took me approximateLy 6 whoLe months to pass this LeveL, and I advise those who are stiLL in it is to increase their activity in GS so they won't get stuck a lot in LeveL 20, because during my time in LeveL 20 I wasn't that active, which is I think that it was the main reason for why it took me 6 months to progress in LeveL 20!

1 Year has passed since my subscribtion in GS

Yes1 year has passed since I have subscribed in GS! And I feeL that I have just subscribed yesterday! I remember when I first subscribed to GS that I wanted to reach LeveL 10 and so I was so active in GS, but when I reached LeveL 10 I was more wiLLing to reach for more higher LeveLs! GS reaLLy has a great strategy in the LeveL progressing, it aLLows gamers throughout the worLd to activeLy visit the site and be more active in order to progress in GS LeveLs.

LeveL 16!

WoW! I'm on LeveL 16 Magician Lord! But that LeveL is way too fast! In contrast to LeveL 15 it was a reaLLy sLow progressing LeveL. I've heard that one of the most sLowest LeveLs in Gamespot.com is LeveL 20! I think that I'm reaLLy going to spend a Long time progressing in LeveL 20!

Happy Birthday to me!

Yes today is my Birthday and I'm so excited and happy to be 21 years oLd! What's reaLLy cooL is that I got Tom CLancy's SpLinter CeLL DoubLe Agent and aLso Virtua Fighter 5 and both of them are amazing! And I wish everybody to have a good birthday and great presents :)

I got it!

FinaLLy I got the PS3! It's 60GB with 2 amazing games Resistance: FaLL of man and CaLL of duty3. It's reaLLy awesome and those who are hesitated on which consoLe to get then I strongLy recommend them to stop fooLing around and get them seLves a PS3! I reaLLy can't wait to pLay Resident EviL 5 and MetaL Gear SoLid 4 on the PS3. Anyway Sony did a reaLLy great job in reLeasing this tremendous consoLe and it was reaLLy worth the wait.

PS3 Quantity

Sony officiaLs are pLanning to ship more than 1 miLLion PS3 consoLe to North America by the 31st December!

"Sony officials announced that they are planning to have 400,000 PS3 units available at launch in North America and 100,000 in Japan. Total of 1 to 1.2 million units will ship to North America by December 31st."


Amazon.com And Wii preorder probLem

On the 15th of September 2006 Amazon.com aLLowed peopLe to preorder Nintendo Wii which resuLted in massive amounts of preorders which forced Amazon to stop accepting preorders and a message was posted on Amazon.com;

"For a brief period on Friday, we did offer pre-orders for the Wii, however, the rate at which pre-orders came in dramatically outpaced what we had anticipated, so we suspended pre-orders until we are able to get a firmer commitment from Nintendo regarding how many units we'll have for sale.

Because the pre-order window was so brief, the e-mail many of you signed up for notifying you that pre-orders were available was never triggered to send out. We apologize and have fixed the system to ensure pre-order e-mail notifications are sent in advance."

Resource;Amazon preorder glitch

PS3 with two hard-drive sizes

I've read that Sony wiLL be reLeasing 2 types of PLaystation 3, one with 20GB and the other one wiLL be 60GB! But I higheLy recommend gamers to buy the 60GB cause the difference in price is onLy 100$, take a Look at the articLe I read,

"Sony announced plans Monday to offer two packages when the system goes on sale this fall. A PS3 with a 20 GB hard drive will cost consumers $499. Those wanting a larger, 60 GB hard drive will pay $599. The $499 version will also lack several features found in the more expensive one."

Resource; By Chris Morris, CNNMoney.com staff writer
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