PC Gaming is gone downhill, because gaming companies don't care about PC gaming.
Gaming industry is dominated by American companies.
American companies target American gamer audiences.
Let's look at American gamer profile,
what they play?
-NES: Mario, Megaman, Castlevania
-SNES: Donkey Kong, Zelda, Chrono Trigger
-PS: Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy
-XBOX360: Halo, Gears Of War, Mass Effect
American companies see this table, therefore they are making these kind of games, or remakes of them. That's why we see the 45612nd Mario game.
Doesn't PC have good games? Is the only good games are on consoles? No.
Sanitarium, Monkey Island, Dungeon Keeper, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake 1-2-3, Gods, Half-Life, Planescape Torment, Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines, Vampire The Masquerade Redemption, Unreal Tournament, Baldur's Gate 2, Theme Hospital, Starcraft etc...
PC Gamers have plenty of good games.
Even weirder Halo is the "best" game for XBOX gamers, however Halo is a "mediocre" game for PC FPS gamers. But you see, hear and read the praisings of Halo, but you never meet about Quake, Unreal Tournament or Duke Nukem 3D.
PC Gaming is not dead, but the industry never cares about PC Gamers. As I mentioned before, The Industry is centralized on America.
However in Europe people love to play PC Games. As I know (if I'm not wrong), Sweden gamers are very good Warcraft/Dota and Counter-Strike gamers. There are huge player communities in England, Germany, France also.
South Korean gamers are known for their love of Starcraft.
PC Gamers are more hardcore than console gamers. Huge population of us are coders and programmers. We love to mod and hack our games. There are many modders who made "high resolution packs" for old games. Quake and Half-Life modding community is crazy. For example, Left 4 Dead 2 is famous for console gamers, but the team made that was the developers of original Counter-Strike that was a Half-Life mod. Another Half-Life mod, Natural Selection became a full/seperated game with NS2 (coming very soon).
The main problem of PC Gamers is the lack of care from the gaming industry.
Nintendo does tons of Mario games, cause it is their icon character and they need to do new games in order to increase their profits.
However, icon characters of PC Gaming, like Caleb from Blood 1-2, Horned Reaper from Dungeon Keeper 1-2, Duke Nukem from Duke Nukem 1-2-3D, The hero from the Gods, and many others, can not find their new homes.
Lionhead (ex-Bullfrog) turned their back on PC Gaming, and made Fable 2 for only consoles. We wish to have a new Dungeon Keeper (it is like a Diablo-parody), but I don't have any hope and expectations after playing monotonous Black&White and The Movies (however Fable 1 was interesting).
Electronic Arts sucked up companies like Westwood, Bullfrog, Origin. We couldn't play a new Ultima Online 2 or Ultima X. New C&C games are interesting but C&C Generals was under the overall of C&C series.
Companies like Interplay, Troika, Sierra has been shut down.
Companies like EA, Ubisoft, Activision, insist on stupid copyrighting techniques that make the world as hell for PC Gamers. They are insist on stupid marketing techniques that result with mockery pictures for these companies.
Bioware consolize their RPG games and turn them into weird games.
Some say "PC gaming is at downfall due to pirates", but it is not true, is it because of companies and magazines of gaming industry.
However, all hope is not lost.
We have GOG like web sites.
Starcraft 2 is coming.
Telltale Games remakes old Amiga/PC games for the PC.
We have The Gamer's Bill of Rights (Stardock/Gas Powered Games).
And new informations keep on coming.
Most interesting thing is, Steam has more than 2 million players online at the same time.
I think total Steam account was more than 10 million.
World Of Warcraft accounts was also more than 10 million.
But I wish game companies and magazines focus more on PC Gamers.
I want to see the results of yesterday's gaming tournament on the magazine's or site's news.
Not the news of the new Mario game.
We really bored from that.
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