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Qmega36 Blog

Been a long time.


Havent posted here for a long time, but im here from time to time. And im surprised that people are joining Republic Commando union- my lads, thanks for that.

So what have i done lately??

Travelling, Studying, Having Fun, playing floorball and some more things :)

As not beeing here for some time i still remember my first love- Republic commando and Star Wars.

In november 17th it will be my 2nd year around here.

Lately i started to like photographing and drawing. Got an Deviant profile, got some good works.

hmm what else? I have no ideas what to tell you. I hate talking about myself :) So tell me what are you guys up to :)

Game of The Year and 2008 is here.

For Starters Happy 2008th, i have a feeling that it will be a blast for us gaming fans, and especialy Star Wars fans who got the info about KOTOR 3 and new FPS game in the making, lets wait for it and hope they will release it on PC :lol:

And here goes, the game of the year-

Super Mario Galaxy

Hurray!! Haurray!!!! Party!!! Get out the Champainge .....................................Wait now WTF is that?!?!?!!?!?!?!! Game of the year???? :shock:

Game of this 2007th year ??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? When Call of Duty 4 camed out, Crysis, World in Conflict and for crying out loud even Halo 3, Bioshock, Orange Box!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!?!! And the game of the year is somekind of Mario about who no one has even heard!!!!!

Omg im realy out of words :shock:


Man im getting totaly fustrated about not being able to copy, paste in Gamespot :evil:

About floorball.

Some of the notable sticks and blades

Canadien SIXX blade

Zone 369 stick, ideal for Zorro tricks.

Canadien Hitman, my baby. Im using this stick.

Got FoC today

The game rocks but thers one problem it doesent have sound( WTF HOW IS THAT EVEN POSIBLE????:cry: ) And some major bugs. il try to pach the game and if that doesent work then the game store seler will have a bad day.:twisted:
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