Quanta007's forum posts
Infest is pretty awesome but I prefer Dropdead and Crossed out for my powerviolence fix though.
Hmm.. people here seem to have odd definitions of "epic". Anyway try:
Envy - A dead Sinking Story
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars
Rome - Masse Mensch Material
Year of No Light - Nord
Yes - Close to the Edge
I took one of these once and had the jitters for nearly 2 days. This stuff works but i wouldn't recomend it unless you absoultly need to stay awake for long drive or something.
Nice taste :3 Mine's in my sig (obviously)Yup, the link is in my sig.
Bell's Hopslam.
I'd kill to be able to get this beer year round.
Anyone done any kuk soo(sp?)? I heard it was pretty good.ATT-Fighter
I'm a brown belt in Kuk Sool Won. I love it .
and I think Converge is releasing a new one this year as well.
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