*keep in mind, this is a baby religion, started by myself. Not everything has been thought out and is subject to change if a flaw exists.
**when I say "Religion", I am referring to a "philosophy" or "belief system", rather than a faith with a code of morals and a leader and great Almighty being. I use "religion" in the context of "philosophy".
Quantum Nihilism.
There are 2 states of perfection: the state of everything, and the state of nothing.
The state of everything is represented by the infinite set:
{ ... }
The state of nothing is represented by the empty set, or nothing:
{}, /o
Currently, we are in the "everything" state of perfection.
Everything is balanced due to many things, one of which being Isaac Newton's laws:
"For every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction."
All actions and inactions are selfish.
If you benefit yourself in someway, you are hurting something else. If you benefit something else in someway, you are hurting something else. If you hurt yourself in some way, you are benefiting something else.
Thus, the one who benefits has performed a selfish action or inaction. The one who loses has also performed a selfish action or inaction, just on the other end of the spectrum.
There is no distinction between benefit and loss.
One cannot escape this cycle of selfishness. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, so as long as you are in the universe, any material part of you, even if you are a corpse, your corpse or person is performing some kind of selfish action or inaction, whether it be by taking up space that could be given to somebody else, eating food that could be eaten by somebody else, not eating the food that someone else eats, eating the food that someone else could throw away, etc.
Every action and inaction has a consequence. As long as matter exists, that matters action's and inaction's consequences will be felt by the other matter it exists with. If rockA is floating through space in a certain area, rockB cannot occupy the same area rockA is in. RockA is being selfish. RockB is being selfish by not taking the space away from rockA. Every piece of matter is selfish for their actions and inactions relating to rockA. RockA is selfish for its actions and inaction relating to all the other pieces of matter.
Through the constant exchange of actions and inactions, everything as we know it is balanced and in tune with the laws of motion. All oppositions are balanced, and we are in a state of perfection.
The other state of perfection, {} or nothing, is not happening right now, for if it were, you would not be able to read this, this would not exist, and it would never exist.
In {}, existance does not exist.
In {}, existance has never existed.
The state of nothing is perfect. It is balanced because all oppositions are balanced, all none of them.
---end Part I.
QuantumNihilism Blog
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