Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 launches. It breaks sales records. Within 2 weeks numerous bugs including the uber-powered rocket launcher and supply crate bugs rear their head.
Final Fantasy XIV menu navigation takes minutes to do simple tasks.
Borderlands coop online sometimes causes character level/data/money to be erased.
The examples don't stop there; there are countless giant problems with video game servers when games launch these days. Online gaming is over 10 years old now, but endless issues seem to arise when a video game goes live, despite having multiplayer betas. World of Warcraft continually releases patches and immediately must alters them with hotfixes. Clearly a developer can't be 100% sure what will happen when their game takes off and becomes live, but sometimes it seems they are a little bit lazy when such big problems are continually being brought to the surface.
A problem that may never get fixed...
Are we as gamers being too picky to developers? It takes a lot of work to make a game. Ther are so many different processes that have to take place for games such as Super Street Fighter IV to be created and hosted for hundreds of thousands to people to entertain themselves with. So many different moving pieces have to be working just right for a game to come off just right.
On the other hand we as a consumer are paying $60 for a product that SHOULD work. If it doesn't work or fixes aren't applied to the problems in a reasonable time related to the severity of the issue, then we feel we are getting gipped. Its a little bit like ordering pancakes at a restaurant and being denied the normality of syrup.
My point for bringing this issue up is that I just purchase Marvel Vs Capcom 3 on opening day, and when I got to que up for a ranked matchmaking game to throw my virtual hat in the ring, my 360 errors out and kicks me back to the menu screen. Assuming it was an error I went back and requed. After nearly 10 kick backs I gain the pleasure of playing one game. After the match (I lost of coursesighlol) I receive more errors kicking me out. I can't get into a match nearly 90% of the time. Clearly something was wrong with my system, I think, but when I google my error, tons of players are having this issue. The ranked matchmaking system is nearly unplayable in this form.
A game doesn't have to be online to be filled with bugs...
Now maybe this is a complicated issue to fix, and whether it is complicated enough that Capcom should have spotted before release I may never know, but when glaring hole problems like this happen with any game I would like developers to at least acknowledge the problem and say they will be working on a solution. Is that too much to ask?