The children's Christmas wish list this year it seems that the console has been overtaken by an unexpected opponent. This is the iPad for 31% of children between 6 and 12 years is more interesting to find under the tree of the console. The percentage change for the kids instead of the 13 years that bring the IPAD to fourth place, but before the console even collapse. Look here at the bottom:
Top 10 6/12:
- iPad: 31%
- Computer: 29%
- iPod touch: 29%
- Nintendo DS: 25%
- PlayStation 3: 21%
- Smartphone (non-iPhone): 21%
- Altri mobile phone: 21%
- iPhone: 20%
- TV set: 20%
- 3DS: 20%
Following the list, 18% said Wii, PSP 14% and 12% Xbox 360
Top 10 13+:
- Computer: 20%
- TV set: 19%
- Smartphone (non-iPhone): 19%
- iPad: 18%
- Blu Ray player: 17%
- E-reader: 15%
- Wii: 15%
- iPhone: 13%
- PlayStation 3: 13%
- iPod Touch: 11%
Xbox 360 9%, DS 8%, 3DS 6% e PSP 5%.