There's seven new achievements worth 250 Gamescore.
Here they are:
Now They Begin to Understand – Complete 12 waves of Beast on all Fenix Rising Maps.(20G)
Defending the Past – Complete all 50 waves of Horde on any of the Fenix Rising Maps.(25G)
Come to Poppa – Win a Versus multiplayer match as a team of five Recruit Claytons (any mode).(15G)
Locust, Forever – Win a Versus multiplayer match as a team of five Savage Marauders (any mode).(15G)
Time to Re-up – Achieve level 100 and choose to re-up for another tour of duty.(50G)
Again! – Achieve level 100 a second time and choose to re-up for another tour of duty.(50G)
I've Done it All! – Earn at least one of each of the original 132 combat ribbons.(75G)
It'll be coming to the Xbox Live Marketplace on January 17th for 800 Microsoft Points, or it'll be free for Season Pass holders.