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Star Hammer: the Vanguard Prophecy releases on Xbox One tomorrow

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The game has had a tremendous amount of good press when it released on PC and iOS last year, but it took quite a while to upgrade the graphics and adapt the UI to the console systems. The whole concept of brining a deep PC strategy game is not easy to translate into practice. Ease-of-use and accessibility are key to the console players to enjoy games, but we made it!

We really wanted to try and take a deep strategy game to console players and see what happens. Star Hammer is only the first foray into this mid-term experiment we are conducting. We have selected the releases that are easy enough to port (both technically and gameplay wise) and of course the ones with the right look and feel.

It’s a game of 3D tactical space battles where players take part in the Second Contact War in a campaign with a branching story and over 60 missions. The game also allows to create own scenarios in skirmish mode battles.

Orders are given during pause times of a perfectly balanced WEGO system, then players watch the results unfold in explosive pausable real-time. There’s a pretty extensive arsenal of crew abilities and assault class ships.

Fleets grow as the game progresses through strategic and tactical battles where players exploit the enemy’s weaknesses with superior positioning and flanking manoeuvres to inflict devastating damage.

Star Hammer: the Vanguard Prophecy releases on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It’s tomorrow on Xbox One and on September 1st on Sony’s platform.