@OrionThinking You sir, and your ilk, have done more to obstruct genuine critique of the gigantic mistake that is the conception of a state based on a religion than even the biggest zionist on the planet.
By all means, criticise the fact that the Israeli state was created on the fallacy that Jews were without a land and Palestine without a people; point out that legitimate criticism of Israel is difficult because of the power of the Jewish lobby; point out the potential issues caused by identity politics or tying religion and ethnicity together, or any other politically legitimate argument you may wish to make. But don't bring your knuckle-dragging prejudice into a video game forum and undermine serious critique.
Palestinians are being oppressed, definitely, but the game isn't about the Middle East. Let's not forget the indellible link between the white Christian right (especially Catholicism) and fascism here in Europe. This was not the product of "Cultural Marxism" (a rhetorical creation of the far-right, incidentally) of any kind, but of white, church-backed racism.
There are people like yourself who are so obviously desperate to see the Wii U fail. It's pretty sad really. Indicitive of the rampant fanboyism and obsession with scores that made me abandon GS and go to Giant Bomb instead.
I hope all consoles and systems do well, because it means more games to choose from if the market increases. Which is obviously good for gamers. I would love for the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast to have succeeded too, as Ihave been gaming for years but there were many games I felt I missed due to those consoles failures.
Apparently the Wii U is abysmal even though most consoles never have particularly brilliant games at launch besides first party exclusives. I have never bought a console at launch and never will for that reason. I seem to remember the PS3 launch had nothing more than giant enemy crabs yet some idiot paid over a grand for one pre-launch. As for the 360, most of it's only good games were made by Rare on launch day and the rest were ports of games from the previous generation.
Of course the most significant point you've missed is that this is one person's opinion, and not objective fact. No matter how much you wish it was, in order to decide if its good or not, you have to play it for yourself.
@GodGundamNT1 So far you have not responded to any of my points I have made. I have not seen a single coherent thought from you in this entire comments section. "Women are biologicaly designed to become pregnant for nine months, men no matter how much you screw with operations are not." Nobody said that TS's, TV's or CD's can get pregnant, or even want to get pregnant. Or even that they themselves want trans women to get pregnant. What's your point? "What you are really looking at being brainwashed into getting interested in is nothing more than gross men, not women, so get over yourself now". I did not say a shemale was a woman, or even imply as such. I have no idea why you think I'm "into" shemales simply because I accept they have a right to be who they are if they choose. People like you are the reason the rest of the world simply shakes their head in pity at America. "a shemale is nothing more than a man lying to your face while faking being a woman" Did you fall head over heels for a shemale? Because, hey, I'm not judging you if you did, that's cool. It's just a shame you can't just accept you found them attractive regardless of whether they had a dick or not. "don't go around promoting it with lies or using a videogame site to promote a lifestyle" I haven't said you should be transgender or attempted to convince anyone to be transgender. I've just tried to discourage people from being abusive. Only thing I've been promoting is tolerance to others.
@GodGundamNT1 I have no idea what the hell you are on about. I wasn't commenting on the fact that sad people such as yourselves are so intolerant and paranoid you believe that anyone open-minded has an "agenda" (see gay agenda, atheist agenda, liberal agenda etc.). Carolyn obviously chose this topic because it is personal to her, not because she is trying to force anything down your throat (excuse the pun). I was merely pointing out that there is actually another example of a character like Poison, in Streets of Rage 2. It wasn't Carolyn who suggested that particular example either. I believe it was mentioned in British magazine Nintendo Gamer (formerly NGamer). So are you going to tell me that Nintendo Gamer is promoting transgender lifestyle despite not having any trans staff? Of course not. Thank **** I live in Scotland, where we accept others for who they are and judge the quality of their work, not the person.
I want to add that it was the same story for the female dominatrix characters with whips in Streets of Rage 2, apparently they are supposed to have been transgender too.
Quofan's comments