Jack Thompson
by R-Dogg on Comments
that moron Jack thompson is screwing over all game players. he thinks that everyone that has played a GTA game will go kill everbody that they know. most (sane) people dont kill others to be like the character in a video game. maybee some murders have happened because of the games but i dont think so. ppl that kill others then blame it on a video game are just looking for a scapegoat (a way out of trouble) cuz they cant take responsibilty for their own action, so jack asses lioke jack thompson step in and defend these losers. game violence honestly cant be handled by ever one cuz some ppl are too screwed up (i admit it...some SHOULDN'T play it) but that doesnt meen that every one should be banned from it cuz of the mistakes/choices of other, less mentally strong, people.