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Connecting all the dots

With E3 less than a week away I thought upload a few videos and quickly throw a few reviews up on the site. Maybe now was the time to also revisit some of those old ideas.

After continually attempting to get my DVD recorder to record from my games consoles I thought I might just give it another go. Blank screen, once again. After all this time wanting to upload video game footage from my TV I thought that was it. NO, one more try. After change over a few SCART leads and messing around with the DVD channel setup I was starting to get somewhere. I inputted another new channel and there it was, finally the image I'd been waiting to see for 6 months. With everything set up I decided I'd try it out first on something simple... flOw seemed a good choice.

So I recorded about 5 minutes of footage and took out the DVD to copy to my PC. 'Drive D is empty', this is the message that appeared when I tried to access it for the first time. And it was the beginning of a long list problems which took me a full hour to solve. So after finalising the disc, changing the VOB file, removing the encryption, compressing the video and adding a some edited changes it was at last ready to be uploaded.

The fruits of my labour can be seen here. Not very entertaining I know but I'm pleased it's actually there!

Now that I've done the whole process once though it should be much easier in the future. I'm looking forward to uploading things like Jak and Daxter cutscenes, Burnout speed runs, boss fights and many other things. The system is finally connected.

How did you find the DVD-to-Internet process?

ps. With the new Potter movie out and the 7th book about to raise hell I'd like to randomly post this intriguing picture of J.K Rowling with a cheeky quote over her head.

[EDIT 12/12/07]
