Well E3 07 is over. And what an event it's been. Since I missed most of last year's E3 (not to mention every one of those sweet emblems) I was determined to see it all this year. And as you can probably seen from my emblem I didn't miss a beat, bagging all 3 press conference emblems and the gold version of the LIVE show emblem. The highlight for me was definitely the Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction' stage demo (and Jeff laying it down 'real' in the SingStar demo). I found the mood of the event lacking previous year's glitz and glam' but it was no less crazy! Chewie at the Sony conference!? Homer's crazy floor tours and of course Rock Band!!! Great E3 coverage this year GameSpot.
Many people have already posted their thoughts about E3 07, but I thought I'd do something a little different. In collaboration with several PlayStation Unions I have created this in-depth Feature on 'Sony's E3', here on 'The PS Union'. It contains a run down of all the big, Sony-related news as well as comments and opinions from Union Leaders.
It's taken a lot of effort but I'm proud of how it's turned out! Have a read of it and tell me what you think.