GameSpot Blog
Finally aftar what seemed like forever I've played (and completed) 'Daxter'! It rocks, I can see myself still replaying it many times this year.
E3 2006 is looking to be very, very exciting. I'm particularly interested in hearing about an official price and full release date for the PS3. Also some clear info on wether the Hard Drive will be included.
Next on my list of E3 hits is Ratchet & Clank. It will be great to see how both the PSP version is shaping up. Hopefully during the R:FoM previews/demos Insomniac will slip something in about the PS3 version!
Looking at little closer to home it's great to see that a Command & Conquer Union has been started! This was thanks to jhotmman so big props for him man. If your thinking of joining come straight on in: Command & Conquer Union.
MP3 Blog
Gorillaz is big on the planet R-Force right now, especially with the release of Kids With Guns/El Mañana single. The Demon Days album is about the only thing getting me through my coursework right now! So rock on Gorillaz.
TV Blog
Hustle Series 3 finished it time for Doctor Who Series Two!!!! (loud cheer). David Tennant is definately continuing the Time Lords adventures in a wonderful refreshing style. Billie Piper's role as the Doctor's spunky assistant Rose just keeps improving. I can't wait for the return of the Cybermen! So, grab that popcorn and get behind the sofa, the Time Lord is back!