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Heavenly Sword - the true goddess of war arrives

So we've at last landed in September, and the holiday release season is already hotting up. With my Warhawk pre-order locked for it's EU release and a new term being I've had little time for games (or blogging) lately. Returning home today I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me in the form of 'Heavenly Sword'. Yes, the thunderous action-epic from Ninja Theory has arrived!

It doesn't seem so long ago that I was watching an ambitious pre-rendered concept of the red headed beauty, Nariko, on Sony's E3 2005 press conference. Since then hype and interest in the game has continued to grow with its cinematic demo displayed at E3 2006 and brief previews of the dramatic direction. The game won a slew of awards during the show. As one of PlayStation 3's original exclusives it's clear that there has been a lot ride on this one. Whispers ran that it was all looks and no depth. "It's just a God of War rip-off". But the dev' team stayed faithful to their vision.

Next came the SCEA Gamer's day, a levels and gameplay shown. E3 2007, the live stage show reveal more on the game's story (as well as letting fans know just how much of the PS3's power is devoted to the plucky heroine's sea of hair ;) ). Leipzig 07, Heavenly Sword has practically gone gold and final previews are released giving us a taste of what to expect.

And here is it is, in my hands now. Time to pop it in and see what this is all about...

The journey of this game's release has also been half the fun. Following the behind the scenes specials on 'Gamer TV' and reading every preview and review I can get may hands on.

Speaking personally I have felt some of the reviews to be a little harsh (the 6.5s and 7s), with the main criticism being that "it's too short". But after three years waiting I guess some people wanted MORE! One example is OPM - UK who described it as "a prima-era Jet Li film - you're in the middle, practically daring people to take a shot at you" and then comment that the combat isn't as fleshed out as other titles in its genre. Well I'm not quite sure what they were playing. Clearly, the majority of these reviewers couldn't put it down; as has been the case for me. But in many ways that is a very good thing. It compels you to keep watching, keep playing. Isn't that what you want the best summer blockbusters to do, despite there length? The cutscenes and voice acting are immaculate, the gameplay additive, and its story grand. For me the goddess of war has more than lived up to the hype, so at the risk of sounding cliché "please sir, could I have some more?"