Remember when 'Batman Forever' came out? And they had the car and the Coke Cola competition and... (would you believe it!) the video game. We'll 'Batman Forever: The Arcade Game' is not a very good game. Especially when compared to other 2D arcade fighters like 'Street Fighter' or 'Capcom vs. SNK'. So when I picked it up, sometime back in 1997, I wasn't sure what to expect. Pop it in for 10 minutes on single player, don't really feel like playing it more than once a week.
But! Then what should happen but my brother walks into the room and suggests we should play some 'two-player co-op'! And low, a legend is born.
I'm not very good at fighting games, but for some reason I just can't stop playing BF: The Arcade Game in 'co-op' once we start. Iconic, badly drawn 2D backgrounds from the movie,horde after horde of nameless goons, infuriating boss fights and some of the most crazy bat themed gadgetry ever (I mean the 'Bat Call' causes a few tiny bats to fly in a carry random enemies off screen). Fighting along side a buddy in 'co-op' just becomes surreal as you shout "THERE! To your right! Use the Grapple! Quick! Quick!". It's just an insanely fun game to just play and chat crap about Batman.The Riddler's foolish laugh often seems to get the better of us though as the 'Game Over' sign appears, and always on the same busted-damn-near-impossible level. After battling through 18 out of 20 grueling levels, 6 hours when we could have been doing something completely Batman unrelated! Oh' well better luck next time.
What's your guilty pleasure game?
[UPDATE: Video - Mar 24, 2008]