I would have to say 10 although Ive never played anything under 10.
you should play them, they are all amazing games, FF7 is on PSN if you have a PS3 , so its a great start :) other ones to get are 4, 6, 8,9 which are all amazing, 1,2, 5 werent as good but still fun. I havent played 3 though.... Yeah I definitely plan on getting FF7 from the PSN as soon as I have enough time to devote to a rpg.
Either Jesus or a school councelor will provide the guidance you seekBiancaDK
...or David Carradine, and his mastery of Hang Fu.
I read somewhere that he died. During intercourse or something in those lines. If that was the guy who died in Thailand, it was because he died of suffocation from a certain sexual activity.
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