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The Emerald Cockroach Wasp

Not for the faint of stomach or while you're eating lunch. R3VOLV360 has warned you and is now no longer liable for any gastric movements you may encounter or the consequences thereof.

From Wikipedia

The emerald cockroach wasp (Ampulex compressa, also known as the jewel wasp) is a parasitoid wasp of the family Ampulicidae. It is known for its reproductive behavior, which involves using a live cockroach (specificially a Periplaneta americana) as a host for its larva. A number of other venomous animals which use live food for their larvae paralyze their prey. Unlike them, Ampulex compressa initially leaves the cockroach mobile, but modifies its behaviour in a unique way.

As early as the 1940s it was published that wasps of this species sting a roach twice, which modifies the behavior of the prey. A recent study using radioactive labeling proved that the wasp stings precisely into specific ganglia. Ampulex compressa delivers an initial sting to a thoracic ganglion of a cockroach to mildly paralyze the front legs of the insect. This facilitates the second sting at a carefully chosen spot in the cockroach's head ganglia (brain), in the section that controls the escape reflex. As a result of this sting, the cockroach will now fail to produce normal escape responses.

The wasp, which is too small to carry the cockroach, then drives the victim to the wasp's den, by pulling one of the cockroach's antennae in a manner similar to a leash. Once they reach the den, the wasp lays an egg on the cockroach's abdomen and proceeds to fill in the den's entrance with pebbles, more to keep other predators out than to keep the cockroach in.

The stung cockroach, its escape reflex disabled, will simply rest in the den as the wasp's egg hatches. A hatched larva chews its way into the abdomen of the cockroach and proceeds to live as an endoparasitoid. Over a period of eight days, the wasp larva consumes the cockroach's internal organs in an order which guarantees that the cockroach will stay alive, at least until the larva enters the pupal stage and forms a cocoon inside the cockroach's body. After about four weeks, the fully-grown wasp will emerge from the cockroach's body to begin its adult life.

Cool, eh? Anyway, Happy New Year!

A 26 minute call, of which 3 I spoke.

Yes, our good friends Telkom make an appearance again.
This time the router decides to change our user name to guest again. So I change it then it changes the router access password (without hinting to me what it is) so I get locked into my router page. Phone Telkom support and go through some things and the supporter declares that I have a faulty router.

So of to the Telkom shop, router in hand. We get there 15 min before it's open so we sit around. Store opens and we walk in but some people got there before us so we wait some more. So we get to the help desk and my dad gives the 'faulty' router to the new supporter.

A few minutes later I'm home and now it's cable time. After plugging it in I insert the installation CD and follow the steps. Then we are halted in our tracks as it asks for an Order Number. Since it was first installed by some random technician we didnt get one. So we phone Tech Support and hold for 11 min. Then someone says, "Telkom ADSL Technical Support, how can I *beep* *beep* *beep*" and we were cut off....

So I try again, after 23 minutes and one and a half rounds of Pinball I get someone on the phone, who doesnt get cut off. He gives me an order number, listens in on the rest of the installation and eventually we have internet!

Anywho in other news I have just finished a blessed Church Holiday Club. Glad and sad it's over. Mostly glad though, kids are tiring. Got NWN2 which I'll probably play now, probably patch first though.

New Blog Header Pic and Randomness

Well, my first blog pic thingy actually. Its a fiery Ace. How cool is that?
Quick Updates:
  • Jumped past level 6 it seems.
  • Lying in wait for NWN2 to arrive but will have to wait till next week.
  • Reading Press Start to Continue, a web comic done by Lucas Stephens (who I believe is on this very site somewhere...)

In the real world:
Church Camp starts next week and I'm a leader! So I get to look after little Grade 3's and 4's (10 and 11 year olds) and get to act as Gideon the doubter. Then again he was called to be a mighty warrior but if you doubt the exsistence of the Lord when the rock infront of you catches fire, well, how else could it of?

Anywho, looking forward to it. Oh yeah, my friend is considering getting a wii. Then wii can all make lame jokes about it. Does W-I-I actually stand for something?
  • Wireless Interactive Intertainment (poetic license) ?
  • Wanting Informal Interplay ?
  • Wii Is Interesting (or should that be "are"?) ?
  • Why iPods Irritate ?
  • Incorrect Acronyms For All ?
Wonder if the multiplayer will be any good. Anyway so I gots a flaming ace. Wonder If I they made a tennis game where you could do that. Well thats all for now. Will probably write something on Roman Numerals next time


Two more unto thine collection

You may wonder why the heading is in in Medieval type english? Or what II were in my collection? Maybe because the nights are  always summer nights. Enough clues? You guessed it (if you didn't then I suggest Reading Between the Lines for Dummies), I'm getting Medieval 2 and NWN2. Well, getting NWN now (now ie: 3-5 working days!) and Medieval 2 for Christmas.
Anywho, at the moment I've picked up Sims 2 Pets (my sister got it for her birthday). Well, thats my pre-Christmas update and now it's nearly December!
Advent Calender = Sweets!!

I beat FF8! And Telkom screw up again...

Well, I finished Final Fantasy 8 today and the endtro left me saying, "Huh?". Thats how I know Ive played a good game.
And in other news: Telscum screwed up again by scaring me into think I had  .1 gig of bandwith left but then I got a "Friendly Reminder" email to say Ive only used 2.10 gigs of my 3 gig cap.
After much disbelief that they can so so incompetent twice in one month I went to log onto to gamespot with no fear of being capped or having to be responsible for the heavy fees of 'over cap usage'.

I hate Telkom

Or maybe just bad service, who knows. 5 days ago, maybe 6 now, we lost all internet connectivity. So we promptly phoned Telkom who told us that there was a network error in the province and that they were working on it.
A day or so later they phone us to say our internet should be working, but we tell them that it isnt. They say please hold a few times and eventually nothing really happens. They say they're working on it.
We phone one of my dad's friends, he says his internet is up, and it was previously down. So Telkom phones us, they say its fixed. We reply it is not. They push a few buttons and click here and there but still; nothing. We hold some more then are reassured that they are working on it.
Day 5 of the internet blackout. We phone and give in a reference number to our fault. They check it, we hold, get transfered, give ref number, hold, get cut off, dial again, give ref number, get told to puch some buttons, nothing works, we hear lightening, we hang up; sick holding.
Dad comes home from work and phones Telscum, he asks about our problem, they might have a solution. We press some buttons and finally we have Home Page!
Apparently our username got changed for another procedure. Of all the stupid things they overlooked that small mistake. Anyway, I'm back and running. Nothing much has developed other than the end of school draws ever closer I could almost reach out and touch it. So close but 3 exams away.....

EDIT: Oops, almost forgot to support Hellkom.

Emblem Uno

What is this madness??
Two blog posts in a single day!
This man is insa-- ooh, 'Tagger Flirt'
Haha, my tagging has been paying off it seems
Now to go further and tageth more!

I got Herpes....

Before you judge me! It's not Herpes Type 1, which is the STD, I'm too young for that stuff anyway. I got Ocular Herpes which basically infects your eye and a ulcer grows on it. So I've been out of action since Tues but thats fine by me as I got to miss no less than 4 exams! And the best part is that since these exams count only 10% of our year mark the teachers said, "Nah, its OK. You can just stay at home and rest", which is fine by me. Only problem was that on Tues I couldn't actually open my eye because it was so light-sensitive. But I'm healing so I'll be up and running in no time at all.

We're gonna get Raptured!

So I'm watching TV and switch to National Geographic Channel because there is a show on called 'Secret Bible'. I was particularly interested as this episode was about John's prophecy, Revelations. Now they get their panel of theologians and so forth and they debate the meaning of the final book in the Bible.

So they're talking about how a very charismatic guy is going to appear and then dominate the world. Yep, that's right: world domination. He will rise to power forcing all peoples to accept his mark of 666. So therefore he is 'The Beast'. Not traditionally beastly as having horns and many heads but hey, we're [Christians] gonna be raptured!

That's right; before Satanspawn comes to power, all Christians are going to be raptured! The show carried on to say that he is then going to amass all the armies of the world (which basically belong to him) and attack the last few refugees who have repented since the rapture.

He will attack Jerusalem from a mountain which is named Armageddon. So after the ensuing nuclear warfare, I, er, needed the toilet. And unfortunately missed what was going to happen.

But look on the bright side; we're gonna get raptured!
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