A day or so later they phone us to say our internet should be working, but we tell them that it isnt. They say please hold a few times and eventually nothing really happens. They say they're working on it.
We phone one of my dad's friends, he says his internet is up, and it was previously down. So Telkom phones us, they say its fixed. We reply it is not. They push a few buttons and click here and there but still; nothing. We hold some more then are reassured that they are working on it.
Day 5 of the internet blackout. We phone and give in a reference number to our fault. They check it, we hold, get transfered, give ref number, hold, get cut off, dial again, give ref number, get told to puch some buttons, nothing works, we hear lightening, we hang up; sick holding.
Dad comes home from work and phones Telscum, he asks about our problem, they might have a solution. We press some buttons and finally we have Home Page!
Apparently our username got changed for another procedure. Of all the stupid things they overlooked that small mistake. Anyway, I'm back and running. Nothing much has developed other than the end of school draws ever closer I could almost reach out and touch it. So close but 3 exams away.....
EDIT: Oops, almost forgot to support Hellkom.