I got a PS3 about three weeks ago, i got the MGS4 40 GB gunmetal grey limited edition, it's kinda disappointing that it doesn't have backwards compatability, but it's not a huge deal because i also have a PS2. I used to think that the 360 was the superior system, but after getting a PS3 i have to say that it's my new favorite system. I love having a blu-ray player, and now i can get the really good exclusive games that it has.
It came with MGS4 which i can honestly say that this is the best game i've ever played. It's the prefect mix of gameplay and cinematics, the story is the really terrific, it's not even a competition for my Game of the Year lol. I also bought Resistance 2, i also really like this game, i personally think it's way better than the first game. The co-op is terrific, i love the competitive multiplayer, the single player and story are really my only complaint but they are still really good, it's just that after playing MGS4 every other game's story just seems pathetic lol.
I would really like to hear what you think about these games, and if you have a PS3 and Resistance 2 or Motorstorm Pacific Rift you should add me, my tag is The_Big_Viking. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and got everything they wanted and hope everyone has a great New Year. o yeah GO VIKINGS!!!!:D