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Videogames, a kid's first choice

So I heard that Toys 'r' us has gone bankrupt. That gets me thinking... why? I myself enjoy collecting Hot Wheels and I know there are thousands of people that do the same as well as other toys and collectible items. But it does kind of show you the trend now that today's youth take towards entertainment. It's a good and bad thing I suppose. Today's games do require a lot more coordination as well as some problem solving skills, but at the same time is takes away from the creative side since there is little left to the imagination. Today's games provide a level of entertainment that rivals that of movies because of the sheer replay value. I can watch Napoleon Dynamite only so many times.

So is it possible games could change the way youth are brought up? Maybe... I think it's ultimately up to the parents to how their children grow up. I guess I'm moving onto the topic of, "can you blame a game for a child's actions". But if we do that we might as well blame every other source of media. Again its the parents responsibility.