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Beat Ninja Gaiden and got my new OXM

Finally beat Ninja Gaiden today. (Just a few minutes ago) I probably would have beaten it sooner but have been playing it sparingly. I might even go back a play again because I think I missed 4 golden scarabs and might even play it on hard mode though. I also still need to unlock the original Ninja Gaidens so I know I gotta replay it.

Also got the new OXM with the Project Gotham Racing 3 cover story. The demo disc doesn't seem like much this time around because the main demo on it is Battlefield 2: Modern Combat and I don't have Xbox Live so it doesn't appeal to me. I also am not interested in either of the other 2 demos (Darkwatch and Sid Meier's Pirates) so the only thing I really got out of the demo was the Xbox 360 vids. Other than that, they had E3 coverage and I saw a bunch of games I plan on getting for 360. To name a few: Dead or Alive 4, Ninety-Nine Nights, Blue Dragon, Ghost Recon 3, Possession, The Darkness, Full Auto, Huxley and Lost Odyssey. There are also a handful left for me to get on the current system too: Stargate SG-1 (FINALLY!!), Ninja Gaiden Black and Indigo Prophecy.