Drat, I lost everything I typed -_-. Okay guys, I'm going to summerize:
ISM- Thousand Foot Krutch.
Giratina- Age is not applicable as I do not exist :|. My fav game is Oot though XD
Colmil- No. I don't really have the urge to travel to space. the view would be stellar (bad pun) though.
ND- No, I've never fallen asleep in the shower...:|
BFEF- Not yet ;). I don't plan on getting too involved until college :)
Twillightsoldier- Already been asked.
GK- Jokes that I have made up or ones that I have heard?
Burno- No, I don't belive everyone is a pedophile. I just think you are :lol:. Why must I hide my age and pic? Because I so choose to :?
Shino- I might go to either South America or Europe. I don't know why really :P
SE- Probably my current signature. I always like my latest best :P
J4Y- Sigs are my favorite to make. Technique? I really enjoy smudging :).
JCS- I live in *is shot*
anihimrox- I have been using GIMP for a little more than 7 months :)
There you go. Hope you enjoyed ^_^. Feel free to ask more questions.