RIDDlCK's forum posts
It sounds like the Battlefield games would be perfect for you.cobrax75
Ok thanks I wasnt sure if there were any good games like FFOW or anything else I should look into since I can only get one game for a little.
Also which BF and should I get the expansions?
Well recently I put all my money into upgrading my old computer. I have a PS3 with COD4 and Vegas so their out. I plan on getting into pc gaming for 1 of two things. I'm looking for a game that either has awesome vehicles and weapons and stuff that console games don't have or a game that takes actual strategy or atleast has some mature gamers when you play online. I'm only into the online aspect.
For ps2 I was really into the socom series because the players were mature and really tried to work together. I don't wanna get a game like Halo were everyone runs around holding the trigger spinning in circles. I don't really know much about computer FPS so anything you say I'll look into.
So what games do you guys recommend? I have heard BF2 and BF2142 were good but also heard a few things and frontlines and thats comming out soon so any help is greatly appreciated.
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