After regaling us with meetings and newsletters telling how well the company is doing, and how they expect business to pick up this year, my company put out a memo this week saying they had no choice but to lay people off or let them go completely.
That's it. They haven't said what departments or branches or whatever will be cut back on. I know I always am busy, but they could cut me and have someone else do my work.
So we don't know until they get around to saying who's cut... Since I haven't been there two years, I don't qualify for the severance pay. Also, if they go by seniority, I'm closer to the new end.
Of course, they have claimed they are going to start doing random drug testing. If they cut a lot of people and keep those with "seniority", they'll be keeping a lot of people that won't pass a drug test. Some of these people make little effort to hide the fact that they smoke pot on breaks and at lunch. If they dump a lot of people, then do testing, they'll be short handed.
I would drug test everyone now. They would save money, because the people who fail can be seperated "for cause" and don't need to be given severence pay and the company would not have to pay for unemployment compensation.
That's whaqt's going on at my work.
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