Your point is muted, CPU for both systems by the same manufacturer (I.B.M.). The GPU in the 360 and ps3 are pretty much identical in terms of specs. The Blu-ray drive contributed to high cost of production that has been kicking SONY in the A$$ big time. Look how they dropped different aspects off their original ps3 they launched (remember the batman controller). When a corporation is losing $300.00 per unit there is a serious problem, you can blame Ken Kutarugi for that blunder. PS3 will not overtake the 360, just accept that, it is what it is, Sony finally got their wake up call, they now realize that M$ is not going away, and definitely a bonafide company in this industry. You're probably one of those voices that was in Sony's chorus when the original XBOX launched, about how M$ would not last and BLAH, BLAH etc, etc...... Guess what??? M$ is still here......... NEXT TOPIC.
ROMEE0428's forum posts
The posts above pretty much nailed the games they should remake, so I will emphasize this most important thing. NINTENDO MUST REGAIN THE CONFIDENCE OF THIRD PARTY DEV HOUSES, BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTINUE TO BE LOCKED OUT OF GREAT GAMES. Hardware sales and total reliance on first party games is not going to cut it, unless of coarse Nintendo is going to Quadruple their in house dev staff and triple their first party publishing.
HALO, came left it's mark on console gaming history, just accept it for it is "A SUCCESSFUL FRANCHISE". That pushed the envelope during it's time and move on, if it is going to be used as a standard for which all FPS are going to be compared, well that's a good thing, because already what the standard has established.
I agree because sony has yet to produce a first party game to this day, with the appeal of HALO, period
That's really up in the air, really depends on the dev
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