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#1 RPGAddict4Ever
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In regards to homosexuality being a sin, I've always found it odd. Some Christians believe being gay is a sin because that's what they perceive (I say perceive because there is still a lot of debate to the true meaning of various parts of the bible, some of which are still being debated by religious people today; what one church agrees on, some other church may not) to be true from that verse. Then there are some Christians who concede that being gay is not a choice, but still believe that being gay is a sin. By that logic, god is punishing gay people for the sole fact that they're born with a different sexual orientation? Why did god create gay people then? That just doesn't sound like a very just/loving god. And really, this is exactly why religion is losing hold on so many people, especially millennials, turning them away from organized religion. It's just not compatible in a time where we know being gay is biological (for most anyway). You cannot "change" your sexual orientation by praying or by therapy. Look at those conversion therapy programs designed to "cure the gay" out of homosexuals; they don't work and have been denounced by every single reputable health organizations.

For those who still believe being gay is a choice, well then how do you explain the large increase in chance of every subsequent son born being gay (aka the fraternal birth order)? How about the fact that homosexuals and heterosexuals have different brains? The brains of 90 healthy adults (50 heterosexuals and 40 homosexuals) were imaged with an MRI scanner (the results showed a similar asymmetrical hemisphere structure for lesbians and straight men, while gay men and straight women shared a similar symmetrical hemisphere structure). All of this clearly illustrates that sexual orientation in humans is amenable to study at the biological level, does it not? I can go on and on, but I'm sure you get the point.

That being said, I'm glad that religion is becoming less prevalent among the newer generation considering all it's done is made women inferior, condone slavery, and now is being used to persecute gays. 50 or 100 years from now, our future generation will no doubt look back in shame how people were treated because bigots felt the need to justify their hate with a book of fairytails.

That's all I have to say on the matter.

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#2 RPGAddict4Ever
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"A genetic analysis of 409 pairs of gay twins has provided the strongest evidence yet that gay people are born gay. The study clearly links sexual orientation in men with two regions of the human genome that have been implicated before, one on the X chromosome and one on chromosome 8.

The finding is an important contribution to mounting evidence that being gay is biologically determined rather than a lifestyle choice. In some countries, such as Uganda, being gay is still criminalized, and some religious groups believe that gay people can be "treated" to make them straight.

"It erodes the notion that sexual orientation is a choice," says study leader Alan Sanders of the NorthShore Research Institute in Evanston, Illinois.

The region on the X chromosome picked out by the study, called Xq28, was originally identified in 1993 by Dean Hamer of the US National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, but attempts to validate the finding since have been mixed. The other region picked out is in the twist in the center of chromosome 8. Known as 8q12, it was first signposted in 2005."

Full article: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn26572-study-of-hundreds-of-male-twins-zeroes-in-on-gay-genes.html#.VGpUxPnF-So

I wonder how those uneducated "b-b-ut people choose to be gay!" feel about studies like these.

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#3 RPGAddict4Ever
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Hi, my name is Josh. Hopefully we can all remain friendly.

People may be born with the inclination to be sexually attracted to members of the same gender, or it could be due to outside stimulus in the early part of life or there could be people making those kinds of decisions. Or a combination thereof. That being said, if it is the case that someone is born with a same sex attraction, I don't believe it removes any responsibility for acting upon it. Some people appear to be more naturally inclined towards aggression, if they assault someone the judge isn't going to care if their defense is "God made me this way!" And it's the responsibility of actions which is the important part.

Repentance would involve praying to God and agreeing that the person has broken His laws and is deserving of the punishment and contritely asking forgiveness and relying on the sacrifice of Jesus to be the payment for the sin. If that is done genuinely, God will provide the person a new heart with new desires. They wouldn't become perfect and will still struggle with sin as long as they live because they still live in the flesh. But instead of loving the sin they will hate it and their conversion will be evident by a lessening of sin in their life and an increasing of fruit(good works(not to earn salvation)) in keeping with repentance.

What do you think?

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#4  Edited By RPGAddict4Ever
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#5 RPGAddict4Ever
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The verdict: 9/10

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#6 RPGAddict4Ever
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@Serraph105 said:

So I watched the video. while I agree with the dude's point about why people protest I can't help, but feel like the dude is a douche. Not only did he brag about getting thrown out of Starbucks on previous occasions (seriously who brags about that?) he ended up making fun of the protesters. He could have gone about this video in a respectful manner which in turn would have earned the viewers respect, and instead he made me feel like he was no better than the protesters themselves.

I'm guessing he's not getting you as a subscriber?

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#7 RPGAddict4Ever
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@jimkabrhel said:

I stopped going to Starbucks on a regular basis and just made my own coffee at home. I can't think of how much money I've saved. I'll still go there on a rare occasion if I need a fix. I'd rather go to a local place, though.

yeah, it's expensive.

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#8 RPGAddict4Ever
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@SolidSnake35 said:

This has changed my life.


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#9 RPGAddict4Ever
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#10  Edited By RPGAddict4Ever
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