Does anyone else absolute despise it whenever someone, with whom it is obvious they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about, posts a review on a game with a score of a "1.0" followed by a facade of text trying to convince you otherwise? In no circumstance whatsoever should any game been given such a low review unless they have 4bit graphics and music on say, a system as powerful as the Xbox360; and that is only if it only follows with 15 minutes of game play, no words, and only one stage or level (providing that it isn't an arcade entry, as they have a meg limit and should be rated on a different field).
These people spend time, on a game they supposedly hated, just to log on here and put a score of "1" followed by ill-fated text just for the sole purpose to agitate others with their childish mindsets; I would be perfectly okay with such if they, say, gave the game a five or a six rating along with their reasons with such. But when they get core concepts incorrect, obviously have had no real experience or done any research with the game, and then try to give off such a score? That is nothing more than just trying to agitate the community and is not an opinion: it is an attack by an individual whom likes to bestow grief on others.
One could not fathom how old they are or the lackluster life they must leave to have the time or even the mindset to do this but it's apparent something needs to be reevaluated in their life; and I say this only because I, like many of you, have seen this happen far too often and it is time that a stand is taken.
I will soon be comprising a list of < 2 reviews on this site to be submitted as "intended solely to agitate" others for the community to send in enmass soon. It is a violation of Gamespot's rules and they have a specific button just for it in the report section. The word of the gamers will soon help gamespot clean what they deem to be a "mess" that needs to be cleaned up on their forums (via their report section).
I'm in no way associated with gamespot, but I will soon help them, as they ask on that same section, to clean up the acts of people in the only way possible; tracking their actions and reporting their posts (along with my new community to be founded reporting them) for a possible future ban for repeated offenses.
Send a message if interested or if you want your community to be a part of this community watch program for reviews and forum posts (trolls etc).
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