User Reviews & Ratings
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Heroes of the Storm (Starter Pack)
Guild Wars 2
Divinity: Original Sin (Early Access)
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Dragon Age: Origins
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
World of Warcraft
Final Fantasy XI
Radiata Stories
Robotech: Battlecry
Legion: The Legend of Excalibur
Ephemeral Fantasia
World of Warcraft
Final Fantasy XII
Tribes 2
Two Worlds
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
A RPG that delivers an entertaining story as reward for dungeon crawling and puzzle solving.
A hundred or so hours into the game and I've come to a simple realization. This game was almost pure dungeon crawling with a touch of puzzle solving. Large maze-like areas were in ever part of the game you were put int... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpfulGrowlanser Generations
Perhaps one of my favorite games on the PS2; and an excellent strategy role playing game to boot!
Growlanser Generation is without a doubt an unique Playstation 2 title that I am honored to have a part of in my Playstation 2 Library. This game's main focus is on the characters, their stories, and how the decisions y... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpfulFinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (w/Game Boy Advance cable)
If you have a few hundred dollars to spare this game is great; but many things are left out for those who aren't rich.
Note: I would appreciate it if you read the entire review before agreeing or disagreeing with it; I don't like a thumbs up when not deserved or a thumbs down by people who are just fanatics or don't even read. -----... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpfulFinal Fantasy VII: Advent Children
CG Masterpiece.<br /> " very conception of what a movie is has been shattered by this film of epic proportions."
A question was once asked... "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to here it, did it really fall?" Well, who cares? They probably weren't around mainly because they were watching Final Fantasy VII: Adven... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpfulGenso Suikoden IV
IV is the opposite of III; great music and graphics but the story is literally wattered down by the bad travel system.
The term "Watered" down was not meant to be a pun; but it fits. The horrible sea-navigation system in this game was one of the absolute worst things the series has ever done to butcher their game in the Suikoden Series.... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpfulSuikoden III (Konami the Best)
Suikoden III does things that may cause you to bang your head on the nearest wall; but it also delivers a superb story.
I am deeply suspicious of the sound and music this game possesses; perhaps they had deal with a earplug business? Well, enough for crazy conspiracy theories with Kanomi. The Game overall is worth a few play throughs if... Read Full Review
3 of 5 users found the following review helpfulRobotech: Battlecry
This is a great game if you are a follower or fan of the series; just about everything I could have asked for.
While watching the old anime show back before even Dreamcast was put on the market I dreamed of there being a game to match the cartoony graphics and style of the first half of the Robotech Series. Much to my delight, s... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulLegion: The Legend of Excalibur
Mediocre in an every sense of the word.
I remember it quite fondly now, watching the teaser cinematic movie for this game months before it was to be released. Arthur picked up his sword to fight some kind of skeletal demon if I remember correctly, his sword s... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulXenogears: Elyhaym Van Houten Edition (Square Millennium Collection)
What to say that hasn't already been said about XenoGears? Well, there's always a contradistinguished element.
It is indeed a rarity to see nearly every review, be they player, Gamespot, or the 31 other "Professional" reviewers all giving an anime-style rpg game around or above a "9.0" rating; especially durin... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpfulEphemeral Fantasia
Perhaps one of the only games I would recommend using a guide for to not only beat properly, but to get the full effect.
Are you one to be late quite often to work, school, or social obligations? Well, if you are, this game most definately is NOT for you. It's based almost completely on memory (Unless you use a guide), ability to maintai... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpfulWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
A superb expansion to a flawed and ostentatious game. The expansion is reviewed herein - not the weak game in general.
WoW is notorious for being the "MMO" that took the innovation out of "MMO"s while at the same time being the one to give it life in terms of eager investors and games that try to copy it's success. But to copy a flawed ... Read Full Review
4 of 8 users found the following review helpfulSuikoden V
I've never thought that I'd have to say this about any PS2 Suikoden title,; Suikoden V just may be the best in series.
Playing the last two "Next Gen" PS2 Suikoden titles have left some very sour tastes in my mouth due to some horrible planning on their parts. The game themselves were moderately well made; but not the way they were impl... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpfulTribes 2
Playing Tribes 2 after the Tribes 1 is like playing CoD for years and then deciding to play Jurassic Park for the SNES.
(Note: Jurassic Park for the SNES had both 3rd and 1st person shooting for those who don't remember it or weren't around). Tribes 2 might be a perfectly fun and entertaining game for those who weren't devout followers... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpfulStarsiege Tribes
The game that gave birth to multiplayer online first person shooters; in many ways still the best FPS online product.
Halo has nothing on Starsiege Tribes in terms of online playability, as this is the game that any online gamer, no matter who you are or what you like, should give a shot in playing. Even after nearly ten years and in... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpfulWarhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
This review will have three parts to it:<br /> -Review.<br /> -Forum Posts.<br /> -Personal Comments.<br /> <br />
Note: Please do not rate until you fully read everything; this goes for both agreeing and disagreeing. I don't want trolls who just hate the game for the heck of it nor do I want recruiters just putting a thumbs down w... Read Full Review
6 of 12 users found the following review helpfulRF Online
After two weeks it becomes painfully obvious that you're just plain wasting your time, sadly. (5 Page Review).
It's common knowledge that excessively playing games is a waste of time when you could be outside with friends and family, but never have I played a MMoRPG that made this fact so painfully obvious. Admittedly, this is m... Read Full Review
5 of 6 users found the following review helpfulFinal Fantasy XI
Perhaps the only MMoRPG that conveys it's story without giving frivolous quests such as "Slay # of blank mobs".
There have been countless MMoRPGs out there that we have played that were all similar in one way or another. Go to so and so, slay so and so mobs to finish this quest (excluding Ultima Online: Renaissance), obtained fri... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpfulRadiata Stories
Interesting if not cliched characters, a uniquely setup world, and overall just a joy to own and play. Enough said.
Who said that you need to save humanity from utter destruction in a RPG game? Well, for those of you who are used to that sort of thing, this is one giant kick in the pants for you. During the course of this game you w... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpfulWorld of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Time to enter the wolves' den with this popular MMORPG game (Incredibly long review).
Note: It would be greatly appreciated that you not rate on this review if you did not fully read it. Though it is indeed gratifying to see a lot of "Agree" or "thumbs up", it would be even better if... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpfulAtelier Iris: Eternal Mana
It takes an entire cast of likable characters to make a great rpg. Throw in some hand drawn graphics for extra flavor!
...Mix and stir until the batter is nice and gooey, and put it in the oven for some 45 hours! Okay, maybe RPGs aren’t meant to be in the kitchen, but Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana offers a variety of great things to sa... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpfulUnlimited Saga (Collector's Edition)
"Unlimited Saga is revolutionary in that it calls for the creation of a new Classification: All Substance, No Flash."
"Very Hard" is an understatement, and not directed towards the game play itself, but the gamer's own personal attention span, love of stories, and limited patience in a generation of gamers where "All Flash, No Substance... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpfulFable
"Though not delivering what it promised to those who closely followed the title, Fable is an overall decent game."
"Every action you take, every move you make, every flower you trample; A consequence". Such was the promise and, indeed, the slogan for the game back when it was first introduced as "Project Ego" by Game Informer many y... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpfulChaos Legion
"...blends a gothic setting, engaging story, and challenging levels that only true veterans and strategist can conquer."
While not as prestigious as the great Devil May Cry series, Chaos Legion gives many different things to those who like both pure destruction and critical thinking in their games. In fact, the first complaints that I eve... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
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