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Kingdom Hearts play-through!

Just picked up a copy of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 for the Ps2! Me and a friend are planning on doing a recorded play-through of both of the games and uploading the videos on Youtube!

New House,

Just moved to a new house, I currently only have my laptop to game on, but it's okay for a night or two until I get my tv and game systems into my new room!:)

Game change time

I was playing Socom Combined Assault but it bore me. I'm not RPG_DIE_HARD for no reason. I just have to play Star Ocean. Great game so far, even if I've only logged maybe 2 hours into it. Can't wait to beat it.

My opinion on Final Fantasy.

Okay so obviously RPG's are my favorite type of name might be a spoiler to that fact. Just sayin. But I hate the Final Fantasy series. I just do NOT like the " I hit you, you hit me" TBS like fighting. It's not right for an RPG. That's my opinion though.

New Account!

So after like two years of not being connected to Gamespot, I finally decided to start a new account! Yay me:)... Even if I lost all my old friends:(