OK. Let's start with a few awesome things from the last few days. First, as you all know, Sonic has been announced for Brawl. Yupee! Now the game became more interesting even for me. Well but that is not the main part of this blog. The main part is to announce, that I'm now
Gotcha, mav_destroyer! And you thought you'd reach level 21 before me! There also a few other cool things to announce. E.g. that for the first time in my life I got into Black Earth in Megaman Battle Network 4. That's not all, I only need to S-Rank 4 more navis before I can fight BassSP. Those navis are JunkMan, MetalMan, ProtoMan and ShadeMan. Any other good news? Well I don't think there is much, excepting for the facts that Phantom Houglass will release here in 8 days and Metroid Prime 3 in 15 days. And I have preorderd both of them. Oh yeah, not to forget that my birthday is in 17 days. And if I get at least 15 Euro I'll have enough money to preorder Super Mario Galaxy. OK. But that's it for today's blog.