Go around the area if you want, but afterwards, go to the sailor.
(Sailor looks at Turk's new Bp, the sailor then says) Nice new weapons you got there, you fancy trying them out in my new bomb course? (Turk looks at his staff and says) Sure, I haven't learned how to use it, yet.
This bomb course will have targets you have to throw bombs at, after taking out a bomb press the attack button to throw it far in front of you, they only explode on contact, press the twirl button while carrying a bomb to throw it upwards, and do a ground pound while carrying a bomb to throw the bomb downwards. Finish this course.
(The sailor comes in and says) That was pretty good, boy! (Turk says) The name's Turk. (The sailor says) Well, Turk, I reckon ye's good enough with the bombs, but ye still using basic manuverings with that staff. (Turk looks at his staff, looks up at the sailor and asks) Where can I learn more advanced techniques? ( the sailor answers) At a Dojo in the Volc mountains. I's gonna be taking ye there someday, part of the tour.
(It shows the boat in the middle of the sea, Turk is looking at the yellow leptonar, trying to concentrate....... after a few seconds the leptonar glows very brightly, then Turk says) Now that's what I'm talkin' about! ( After the leptonar stops glowing, the sailor yells) LAAAAAAAAAND HOOOOOOE!!!!! ( When Turk gets off the boat, he goes to the elevator, after getting to the city, he's stunned with shock as he sees the giant red scorpion eating the city, Turk gets out his gun and shoots the scorpion to get it's attention, then he says) Look, this city might seem tasty, but the things inside are not, either you go away,.....( Turk readies his staff) ... or I'll make you!
It'll shoot red darts at you, you can't deflect them, just dodge them, if you get clos it'll also try to sting you, you'll notice cracks in the floor, throw a Leo bomb on it to make it explode, leaving a huge hole, the scorpion will fall in the hole and when it does, throw a bomb downwards onto it's head, repeat this tactic throughout the city, after you do it three times, it'll start throwing pieces of non-ingested emerald at you, you can deflect these, repeat a couple more times and it'll die.
(The king comes out of one of the buildings, he walks over to Turk and says) We thank you for your bravery, and as gratitude, we present you with this... (the king takes out a gold Budah statue and Turk grabs the statue The Turk say.) Budah statue, a Dojo Temple. It's as if I get exactly what I need at the right time. (The king says) Pardon for eavesdropping on your rambling, but you are correct, king's artifacts from other nations have been traded and passed down, from generation to generation. For when the true hero arrived, and that hero, is you, Turk. Although I expected the hero to be older, and more mature. (Turk quickly asks) What's that supposed to mean?! (the king responds, looking in another direction) Oh! Nothing. (they're interupted by Val) Hey, Turk! I'm picking up some red leptonar reading from the Volc mountains. (Turk then says) Volc Mountains, eh? I think that's where the Dojo is, I was gonna go there anyway.
Go in the elevator then go to the sailor
(Turk goes onto the boat, then the sailor says) I've heard ye've been saving all the places that we've went from giant monsters. ( Turk then says) Yep, they're all giant, red mutated animals.
(It switches scenes to the middle of the ocean, Turk is in the navigation room with the sailor, tang-tang is playing checkers with Mr. Fluffykins, and losing, Then Turk asks) Hey, sailor, what's your name? (the sailor asks) And why ye be wanting to know that? (Turk responds) Well,... your a tourguide, I should at least know your name. (The sailor says) Well, ye got me there. (the sailor sighs and says) Me name is Colin, I've been in this buisness for two years, ever since that evil creature took over my hometown. You should've seen the look in that creature's eyes, so full of hatred, full of evil, so full of pain. He used the village as a refuge for his diabolical creatures. And he built a huge castle, and went in it as if he was waiting for someone, paitiently. (There was silence, and you see Tang-tang just lose to Fluffykins, then Turk says) Manakor (The sailor asks) Who? (Turk responds) That creature,... his name is Manakor, he arrived two years ago in a meteor, I fought him after I accidentley freed him. He's waiting for me. I'm not sure why he's waiting for me. (The sailor says) You Freed that thing?!.... I guess since he's waiting for you, he won't do anything to us,.... for now.
Turk! You need to learn better techniques if you want to destroy him! (Turk says) I know, but it's a lot harder to destroy him then you think, but maybe his weakness is this... (Turk takes out the yellow leptonar)... this is leptonar, there are four kinds of them, green, yellow, blue, and red, I'm guessing red leptonar is his power source. Hey Val! (the comunicator turns on and Val says) Yeah. ( Turk says) Hey Val, I have an idea. (Val says unimpressed) You? An idea? Okay, let's hear it. (Turk says ) I just realized, green leptonar heals, and red leptonar kills, right? Well, Is it possible to see if green leptonar and red do anything strange between them? They could neutralize each other, and if they do, then maybe it'll be easier in beating Manakor. (val says impressed) That's a good theory, I'll try doing that experiment, I'll have to see what happens before contacting you. (Turk says) Alright. See ya later. ( the sailor says, while arriving towards land.) Well, that's a good idea, and by the way, when you arrive at the Dojo gates, there'll be a guard, you'll have to beat him in arm wrestling. (The boat arrives at the dock, Turk is leaving the boat when he says) I'll keep that in mind, I think I'll be able to handle it.