@judaspete: Why thank you. Part of the reason politics is so divisive now is no one can stand to see people disagree with them, even in art. I try not to be that way.
@fishdude100: I'm fine with him answering open questions however he wants: I expected a JJ Abrams movie not a Rian Johnson movie. However, much of what he does goes beyond answering open questions. I'd put the Rey reveal in that category. Giving her a special grandparent still makes her not "nobody," which she was in TLJ. I'd say the same about some (though not all) of the other changes he makes. If it counts as a genuine retcon, I think that's an issue.
@fishdude100: Nah fam. He said "this is what happens when you let the troll crowd dictate your creative choices." You ASSUMED he was talking about you. Says alot methinks. If I yell, "hey ugly" and you assume I'm talking about you... idk, maybe time for a makeover?
@rcontini: So you're wrong about what Star Wars is, but whatever let's embrace the wrongness. Still didn't tell a story outside the Skywalker saga. Like there was Ben and Luke and Leia all in significant roles.
@fishdude100: There's a pretty big difference: Johnson answered questions TFA left open. Sorry, JJ, but if you leave the questions open you got to be prepared for someone to answer them in ways you won't like. Now, because someone did that, he's trying to unanswer questions that were already answered. Completely different thing.
@gab8: There's a huge variety of reasons, and it's almost completely impossible list the reasons without inserting your own opinion of how good or bad the reasons are. So I won't try. The reasons that upset most of the loudest critics are: 1. Rey isn't the product of Darth Vader's magic penis. 2. Luke isn't a super saiyan, but instead is rather depressed at having, like, failed at his life goal and watched his religion create a galaxy threatening menace for the second time in 60-ish years. 3. Snoke wasn't some character from the original or prequel trilology, depriving the fans of a chance to hear a familiar name. 4. Admiral Holdo had purple hair and therefore the entire movie is just feminist propaganda.
There's more--there are youtubers who make 5 hour responses to anyone with the gal to say anything nice about TLJ even today--but it basically comes down to those four points.
@robocop713: So TLJ was so bad we can just make things up about it now? "Tell a story outside the Skywalker saga"? Are you serious? The movie was primarily about Luke Skywalker. A lot of people hated what it did with him, but to say it wasn't about the saga is insane. (And no, that farm kid at the end wasn't a set up for anything. His whole existence was to hammer home that Luke is a legend and anyone can use the force.)
Second, Abrams didn't have a crappy hand: whatever you think of TLJ, it left the story almost completely open. Abrams could have taken it anywhere. Instead he decided to spend the whole movie obsessing over a previous movie.
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