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Movie Based Games....

Ah yes this rant is about movie based games, but the next generation of them! (WOW!) The recent releases that have come out on the next gen consoles still sucked. Ya they did you have to admit it, movie based games are to me, always going to suck. It is because there is no effort to make them actually better. You might have seen the interviews they promised things, but were those things actually good changes? Did those things actually make the game better? Did those changes even change the game? To me they just made the games worse, some changes made the games better say reviews but I just think they were all just crap. Plain crap. You have to admit it too, like in Spiderman 3, Bob "Hey its on the next gen!" Steve, "Wow, really? It will probably be good!" One day later, Bob, "I just found the new worst game!" Steve, "What? The Elder Scrolls Oblivion?" (I am playing a small story here people I think the TES4 rocks.) Bob, "No, even worse! Spiderman 3!" Spiderman 3 sucked people. the camera worked when your slinging webs but did it work when you were fighting, or basicly doing anything else? No it didn't, and don't try saying it did because it didn't. Pirates 3, great movie actually medicore game! Theres a first time for everything. The graphics were better on the next gen consoles, but the button mashing was still there. Did the developers say they were going to get rid of it? Actually yes, they did which meens they failed. Right? Yes.

Now my next topic within a topic, the way it can be fixed. Ya I think there is a solution but to those money makers out there who just wanna crank out these games with movie titles will hate me. JUST SPEND MORE TIME ON THE GAME! PLEASE JUST TAKE YOUR TIME YOU DON'T HAVE TO RELEASE IT EARLIER THAN THE MOVIE OR ON THE SAME DAY! Just treat it like a real game, like Starcraft 2 Blizzard had only a few other things going on during the time period of the release of Starcraft and now. It's still coming not coming out in 2007though. I know I know, this seems unlogical because movie based games wouldn't be movie based games without being close to the actual movie. So what is the real solution? No movie based games? Maybe. Stick with it? Possible but I won't like it. Later dates for the movies themselves? I would like that. What do I think the real solution is? I hate to say it but the stick with it idea is the best. Ya I already ranted about it but the games are getting better than before. I must admit that fact. So if the developers continue to just put a little more effort in those games and just keep going they just might creep their way up into the 8.5 rating area.

Bottom line (literally), I think movie based games stink. You might think differently, I don't. They might get better seeing as how the developers actually seem to be trying. (Notice how there I said "seem.") Please commont on what you think of movie based games, if you disagree with anything I have said here, or if you have any comments about my skills with the keyboard andif you agree with me on anything in my mad rant.

Video Game Rating Systems... ESRB

Before I begin my rant let me give you some backround information of myself. I am a kid in the 6th grade who absolutly loves games, I'm either playing a game or on the computer (like I am right now) doing something else. Games have not completely filled out my daily agenda. I do activities like going to my friend's houses (ya I have friends WOW!), do track, and a bunch of other things but I think differently than the other kids in my class and no I don't meen I'm special because if I was I don't think I could write this. I love to read and write but of course I'm not the best at it, well not writing but I love to read and I'm good at it (we have that stupid AR thing but I have a 13.0 level, yay for me!) I look at things like what this rant is about through a more, mature manner than other kids in my class would. I also play different games then them. Most kids in my class play games that I think are horrible, things like movie based games (TERRIBLE!) or other just plain bad (in my opinion) games. Enough about myself though (this doesn't even have to be here.) This rant is like the many others out there that are about the ratings of video games, video game violence and all that crap, yet I will still rant and rant on about it because thats the only way the world will know it.

First off, parents WAKE UP! Serisouly though it really is the parents fault if a child gets a violent game and the parent does not try to stop them, and then complains about the violent content (even if on the back and front it says M and on the back it says Blood and Gore, Sexual Themes). Really though come on parents you have to watch what your kids (or even if you buy for them, you better check it) play or even watch! Its just like letting your kids watch a rated R movie. If you let them watch it and the R is for Sexual Themes, Nudity, etc... What do you think your kids will come back in their head with? Ya do you get it now parents? The same thing goes for games, does that label sayviolence and its rated M? Hmmm.. I wonder what this game is about, it has a title that says Manhunt 2. Nah, its fine for my child to play as long as it doesn't have violence. NO IT'S NOT FINE ONCE YOU START COMPLAINING!!!!!!

Now for my next portion of the rant. Kids are part of the problem too! Yes that seems very stupid considering I am one, but I think it is still part of the problem. If that child knows that the game is not meant for them to be playedby children their age then well they usually shouldn't play it. I had a similar problem (because I am a kid.... yes I am really a kid)it was when I wanted Resistance Fall of Man, and yes I have a PS3 no I'm not spoiled unlike my friends who has every system (no seriously) and a library of like 50+ games for each, exept for the PS3 and Wii. I wanted it so badly because well it was the only good game on the PS3 I wanted (besides MLB 07 The Show and Motorstorm) Resistance had gotten the best reviews (besides Oblivion of course which I already have for PC) on the PS3. Yet my parents are not stupid they are smarter they didn't let me get the game, even though I wanted it so bad. At first it seemed annoying to me, I thought "Well then, your going to have to buy me a lot more games" but now I think "They were right not to let me get that game because soon there will be others that will be rated T and they seem just as good." So the point of this section is to say that kids who know that they are not supposed to be playing that game, I meen really not (a rated T for a 11 year old is fine but something like GTA SA for a 8 year old, not cool) then they obviously shouldn't be playing it or beg their parents for it.

Yes their is another section, this part is about the games themselves (I am very sorry for this section but I must do it because I think it is a part of the problem.) I like violent games too, I play them and ya I ranted about that but we all do it (although I dont play games like GTA I do play games such as Oblivion which I dont understand got a M rating but who cares, and shooters like Halo because I'm not a sony fanboy I just own a PS3 and thats all.) Now continuing on with the actually point of this section, some games just don't need so much violence! Yes sometimes a little violence is fun, a little blood spray effect is nice, a little decapitating calls for some laughing, but really for some serious games, there isnt need for so much blood! Like in RFoM if you shoot an alien or a friends blood just blasts out of em, ya it looks cool but to me there is two things about it 1. It doesn't look realistic 2. I think it adds just that extra bit of violence that isn't needed. We can live without that huge volcano of blood that shoots out of a person that is shot. It looks cool but a nice spray effect (not too much) would still be fitting. Same goes for Halo 1, 2 they both have large amounts of blood splatter (like on walls and floors) when you shoot something even though its not neccesary. If it were to be rated T it might even sell more!

Well those are all of my opinions, it is short compared to other ones out there, but hey I'm just a kid in the 6th grade who loves games. Please comment on anything you disagree with, or if you have any comments on how I write my rants. Or if you agree with me.