RXFJ's forum posts
:DLETS ALL DISCUSS!!!!:Dcipherace2008
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Your thoughts?
ah sentient mushrooms...what will they come up with next
I think No more Heroes will be better (as Mushroom Men hasn't come out yet). But thats just me. I predict Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars will be decent but not great. Gamecock Media Group doesn't have that good of a track record when releasing games. Such hits as Fury (PC) and Dementium: The Ward (DS) have failed to leave their mark as memorable games (maybe low scores had something to do with it). The videos I saw didn't impress me at all. Zach and Wiki beats this game in puzzles greatly and the instant respawn at one location is overly simple. The game reminds me of that game where you play as a small trash collecting robot or that game where you play as a mouse.
I really don't care about achievements ... I haven't had the motivation to get them like I use to. Anyone else feel that way?
Do not belittle Achievements. If you ever get bored you should finish all your game's accomplishments. You would feel a sense of satisfaction if you would complete those games you play completely before buying new ones!!
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