So Im going to pay Homage to some of the Greatest FPS that were ever made.
Marathon, Doom and Duke Nukem are some of the Heavy hitters in the FPS realm. Doom Sort of jump Started it while Duke Nukem, and Marathon kept it going in the Early 90s.
For those that have never heard of Marathon it was brought to you by..Bungie, the ingenious designers and creators of..The Halo Series. While Im not sure how much Commercial success Marathon had it, it helped push the envelope thats for sure, as if I remeber its one of the few FPS that ran on a Mac back in those days.
Its funny Doom and Duke Nukem ran on the same game engines but were actually considered competion lol. I believe though that Duke was one of the First FPS to have a jump button, maybe Marathon to but I dont remeber.
Honestly I didnt care for Marathon, but I have to pay it respect as it helped form FPS into what they are today. Resistance,, Unreal tournament, and the Like wouldnt be what they are today had it not been for these ealry games.
Quake and Unreal are Obviously the Newer Siblings of this Genre ( quake being the older of the 2)but good none the Less. When Quake first started it was basically just a fragfest with little Story or Single player value, but it Improved on a ton of game play points that doom failed in, like better controls, better visuals etc.
Unreal is quite the master piece to in this genre, I never played it much but had a lot of friends who religiously followed this game alomost if not more at times than Quake. It upgraded everything and took a piece of all those great games and made it better, I just wasnt particular to fragfest games though.
My point?.Look at the Next-gen and Last-gen CONSOLE versions of these games. Quake 4 for the PC rocked! Quake 4 for the 360 made me vommit. The game appeared as if it was only have done with good textures here, and horrible Orignal Playstation textures there. And a frame rate that would put a stroke patient in a Coma.
Unreal for the PC was Awesome, but the PS2, and Xbox version, were...ok at best. The Liandri conflict was Really the only Unreal that got any love or respect on a console I think. All of the unreals were by far better on the PC, not only graphically but gameplay wise to.
Look at prey. A game touted in the mid ninties just now coming out, using the Doom 3 Engine, which while great, the PC version was much better, and seemed to Age a bit better than the 360 version. Doom 3 was awesome for its time, one of my Favs, but Prey did the engine no Justice.
Now we keep hearing talk of Duke Nukem forever finally coming out, after all this time, and Obviously it will be for the PC and at least ONE next-gen console. Point is if it goes the way of the Great PC versions the Console Version will suck.
The past few Nukems were great on the there respective last-gen and before last-gen consoles, but PC ports dont seem to be doing all that great on the 360, Quake 4 is obvious proof of that.
Same with the Unreal tournament 3 coming to consoles, how much watering down will they do?
Maybe with games like unreal its acceptable but for greats like Doom and the Doom engine, and quake, and Duke Nukem they need to stick to PC. If I had a choice of Doom or Doom 3 Id take doom 3, but put Quake 4 or Prey into the mix and Ill take Original Doom any day over the 360 ports.
I would love to finally get to play a next-gen Duke Nukem but if they dont do it right....Dont do it at all. Dont tarnish the name of a great FPS if it cant be done right PC or console wise.
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