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Falling from grace: A fan boy returns.

SO last generation I tried the whole manticore thing, or multi-console thing, and really I ended up just wasting a ton of money because since last gen the only console I really played was my Xbox last gen and my 360 this gen. Since the days of the NES I really only had 1 or 2 consoles never 3 until last gen. Sega dissapointed me always with stupid add-ons, and during Nintendos reign there was no one who could touch them.

Once the PS and N64 came out I owned both of those, yet did not get into the Saturn so I really still wasnt a manticore. With the release of the Dreamcast I finally hopped on board with the Dreamcast, The PS2, The Xbox, and the Nintendo GC, really the only gen I owned EVERY system and what a waste that was.  The Dreamcast failed, even thoiug it was one of the best systems last gen, the PS2 got really boring about 2 years in after I realized that Im not into anime, eastern, asian themed/based games. The GameCube was a joke plain and simple....had no 3rd party support.....well hardly none, and the Xbox filled the void the other 3 couldnt.

It had the games I wanted like Morrowind, Halo, HL2, there were a lot of games that just could not run on the PS2 with out being crippled and the Xbox could run them. They were the FPS and action games that had more of the western, american flavor if you will...not the Asian themed crappyness that for years was the base of me being a gamer....Now anything to do with Mario, Metroid, Zelda, JRPG's (for the most part) or anything that is anime based makes me sick.

 I want free-roam, worlds that never end, Games of intense, all-out war....things like Final fantasy, MGS, Shadow of the Colossus, etc. do not do it for me. Give me GTA, The Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Kotor, Fable....things that the PS consoles will never have. Japan may have started gaming...but they have ruined it in my opinion. Say what youi want about MS....the 360 is great, and the only reason the Japs dont want it is not only do we not understand the Japanese market...but why bother? They simply dont want it because its american made...the only exception to this rule is the i-pod....anything else american doesnt belong over there minds.

I guess my point is that last gen had I just had my xbox I would have been fine...I did not need to waste money like I did this gen on every system. This gen I have owned the PS3, the 360 and the Wii..... and really they ALL dissapoint me but the 360 really is the best of the 3. Its got the games the features and and royally owning Sony a the moment. I just sold my PS3 and really I dont care to probably ever pick another one up unless they really start showing improvments and make it a game console and not some stripped PC....supercomputer? Please the PS2 was touted as the sdame thing...its anything but a supercomputer.

So basically it seems this gen and last gen I have been a MS fanboy....which right now is the thing to be. Does this mean I will write blog post about how teh Sony suxxors and start trolling but I wont waste any more money on another console until Sony proves they are even in the running......I do hope the Wii fails misserably lol