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More Wii dissapointment.

When is the Wii ever truly going to get a good game?

Lets talk about Resident Evil for a moment.

On the Gamecube Nintendo re-released every game fro the series from 1 to Code Veronica. And they rocked. Better graphics, new gameplay, and resident Evil Zero was awesome, as was resident Evil 4.Those sad Online only games on the PS2 were disgusting though. The only Resident Evil gmes I dindt like as a matter of fact, were those 2 PS2 crappy versions.

To take a step back for a  moment. We shouldnt be surprised about DMC 4 going multi-plat. It started with Resident Evil 4. That game was suppose to be a Gamecube exclusive....then they rehashed on the PS2, with new stuff, but downgraded graphics. Now its coming to the Wii with NO graphical improvments, and use of the Wii remote...I can Hardly curb my enthusiasm:roll:

This is all leading up to this: "Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles" WHat a dissapointment. A friggin Lightgun shooter? Why? Does any one remeber they tried this with the PS1 (or PS2 cant remember) They made a Resident Evil FPS that was absolute crap, and now this. Not only am I disgusted with Capcom for Rehasing Resident Evil 4 for the Wii, now this monstrousity rears its ugly ugly head. WHAT A JOKE! This game will blow ass.

Will the Wii ever get anything besides lame ports, rehashes...and friggin kiddie games? A resident Evil Lightgun game of all the gimmicky things...WTF? Why the **** is the Wii so popular? Are casuals that stupid to buy **** like this? Why ever bought the Wii again Ill never know. Super Smash brothers, and Mario Galaxy are not enough to keep this system...for me anyway.

I know some of my good friends like the Wii, but right now I look at its games and wonder....How in the hell does this thing sell? And how does any one even like this system? The DS has a better selection of games than the Wii.

I put the Wii up there with all those lame little game machines you can buy at walmart for like $30.00 made by tiger eletronics, just plug and play:roll:. Its nothing but a friggin toy.....I gave up toys a long time ago.

Speaking of toys, why the **** do limited edition games come with action figures? I dont play with GI joes any more...Im saddened by the decision for the Bio-Shock Collectors edition. A friggin toy comes with it. If I want toys Ill get them for free from a Mc Donalds happy meal. I just dont understand or like were gaming is going honestly.

It feels like Devs are appealing to casuals and forgetting about the Hardcores, and Hobbyists who buy every system and game under the sun.  Speaking of lazy devs and appealing to casuals....People like to rag on the PS3 for not having a bunch of exclusives, what about the 360? There is not exactly a TON of exclusives for it either. What happened to the exclusives? Why is that devs want all games for mulitplatform, and only Sony and MS in house develop exclusives? That is retarded.

Besides if you really want to get down to the nitty gritty Sony has a ton more in-house IPs than MS, and has a lot more in-house Sony only games releasing in the future. Only 2 MS exclusives Im loking forward to. Fable 2 and Halo 3. Gears 2 might be good, but if its anyhting like the first no thank you. As racing goes, do I get forza now or wait for Gran Tourismo 5 which as always will probably have twice the cars and twice the tracks? Or say **** it and wait for PGR 4 lol.

And another thing...this graphics vs. graphics thing has to stop. System wars is what casues people to shoot other people. Last gen the PS2 the weakling of the bunch destroyed the competition. Im not saying the PS3 is weaker, but at least Sony and MS are on a level playing field this gen, with really awesome physics capabilities with the cell, and Geat textures with the 360's GPU. 

 Fanboys piss me off. You want to like one system thats fine. But respect others decisions to buy all or just the opposing system.

Look at it this way. Nintendo and Sega bested what Atari tried to build. Sony B**** slapped nintendo and crushed sega for 2 generations. MS joined the fray and provided awesome graphics, and built upon the empire that sony dominated even beating nintendo there first outing, but not Sony. Only god knows what will happen this gen. MS came out a year ahead with a decent start, with good games, but cant seem to get the quality of the syatem it self right. Sony enters a year later with a great quality system but lackluster line up, not even begining to breach the power of the console, and of course a few broken promises. And Nintendo has.......Seemingly come out with a toy that appeals to the masses, even I was entertained for a month, but thats done now.

 Not sure exactly were this blog went lol.