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Multi-platform. PS3/360

So a lot of games this gen have been spread across all systems this gen, and honestly I think it sucks. Ill start off by naming a few that are Multi-plat, then I will name the rumored games. I will also give my opinion on why they should or shouldnt be multiplat.

Sure every console should maybe get all the sports games, and most generic FPS, but the really original games need to stay exclusive. A lot of gamers this gen will have all consoles because there are a few excellent exclusives coming to that system, but with out exclusives, MS, Sony and Nintendo are doomed, and actually Im not going to include nintendo in this, because most of the exclusives they have Are Mario, Zelda, Metroid and all things Donkey Kong, and Im bored with those, and nintendo isnt really next gen.

Anyway so here goes:

Saints Row: On the 360, and Yes its now confirmed for the PS3.

Why it should be: It should'nt, Its an Original franchise that it and its possble sequels should stay 360 bound. Why does Sony need it? Honestly GTA should be sony only,(always felt that way) ad MS could compete with this alone. I enjoyed Saints Row more than any other GTA or clone.

Also The PS3 will probably get it with all the DLs included on the Disc...Lame, but Ill own it:P

Why it shouldnt be: See above^

Oblivion: On the PC and 360 and now Confirmed for the PS3

Why it should be: Honestly Im 50/50 on this. I think everyone should experience Oblivion at least once. Its HUGE free-roam RPG gameplay is awesome and the graphics are top notch.

On the other hand just like morrowind was an xbox CONSOLE exclusive, maybe Oblivion should be the same.

Why it shouldnt be: Like Gears this game was a system seller when it came out. If the PS3 gets it, it may have the same effect, especially for those drooling for an RPG, or those who just didnt want the 360, or own a PC capable of running it. It just feels right on the 360...that and Im pissed I paid for those DLs when the PS3 version will probably have them from the extra least Knights of the Nine for sure.

Two Worlds: According to GS Retail Radar has this one as coming to the PS3, but as of late it still PC, and 360 exclusive.

Why it should be: A WRPG would be good for a Sony console as the Sony platform is 95% JPRPGs...but it just doesnt feel right:(

Why it shouldnt be: The PS3 is getting Oblivion...but honestly I want JPRPGs to stay on the PS3 and western RPGs to stay on the MS console. Mostly for culture reasons. Blue Dragon may be made by the team who made Chrono Trigger, but I dont have faith in looks and sounds like its "kiddy"..anyway:? It just feels Odd that MS would have a JPRPG and Sony would have a WRPG on there console.

.......................ok so my mind just went blank lol....I had all the multiplatform games in my head and I just forgot them all:P, and I dont wanna open a bunch of browser windows searching for them. So I will leave off with some games that are rumored to be multiplatform and why they should or shouldnt be multiplatform.

Devil May Cry: PS3, should stay that way no explanation needed, Same with Metal gear Solid. Always been best on Sony consoles and should stay that way.

Bio-shock: PC/360 exclusive, rumored to be coming to the PS3, eh another 50/50 for me. Would be good on both systems but maybe it should stay on the 360....of course its not like the 360 has a shortage of FPS though....but it is an original game.

Oh...GTA4: Coming to the PS3/360, same day.

Why it should: The GTA series can be a system seller...and now MS will be on a level playing field. They have always been timed Exclusive for the xbox.

Why it shouldnt be: GTA has (for me) always been better on the PS2. Sure the original xbox always had prettier shiny Graphics and better lighting effects, but they were always glitchier, and the frame rate seemd worse on the xbox versions..but they did look better, but had there flaws.

Anyway these are just my views, and honestly...dont amount to S***! So if you no likey...Oh well you will get over it:P