Transformers for the PS3, and The Darkness for the PS3. Both really great so far....well actually not having much fun with the darkness. Its singe player is ok, but seems dull and slow, and the Darklings thus far are underwhelming. I mean sure being a demonically posessed person with sepent arms who eat hearts are cool...but it just feels so underwhelming to me.
The Graphics are slick, framerates are perfect....thats it. Thus far its just another average FPS...Ill give it some more time but Im losing hope in the Darkness. Transformers on the Other hand is really great. Tons of fast paced action. Somewhat unstructured..which is what I want, great visuals..I love it.
Decided not to go with Overlord....or any 360 game unless its Co-Op, or exclusive. Decided to just go Sony for a while. Do you know how great it is that I can run this thing for a week straight (so far) put in games play them for 5 hours, with out 1 hiccup oir glitch go back to folding till I get home from work play another 4-5 hours.....and still no glitches....on the PS3.
I **** am disgusted with the 360 right now. Its got to be the worst console ever wanna know what the Gamestop guy said to me today?......Well it must be something your doing...LMFAO! Yea right.......**** MS loyalist make me sick.