My theme: Banjo Tooie Stop' n Swop. Lots of nice hidden secret backgrounds all over the dashboard menus, and also for a little nostalgia. My gamerpic: non friends see Moogle from FF:XI, and Friends see a Onion Head badguy from FF:XI, I'm thinking about changing it back to my Nuts' n Bolts Jiggiloinare achievement gamer pic.
I grabed my Star Wars: The Force Unleashed game and wanted to break the disc, thinking such a stupid game and very poorly done. I cried in joy when I got all the achievements in CoD:4 and WaW though. Stupid infinite spawning and nade spaming aim bots.
He agreed on it, but it can not be done. No MOAR from you Sanghelio about poor manhood of a guy with doubts of xbox maintence not being up and running on time.
His dad supported him afterwards? Really? I remember reading that his parents wouldn't buy Halo 3 because it was too mature for him or something. He planned the murder and went to his father's safe and opened it where the game was, and also a handgun, he walked into the kitchen and said as recalled by the father, "I have a surprise for you" and then he shot both of them in the head, killed the mother and father was in a short coma. He put the gun in the Dads hand and made it look like a sucide. His father told this story to news reporters, but he couldv'e changed it at times. The kid was sick and deranged, games are fun, but they should never control you to the point where you want to do something fatal to others. "You control the game, the game dosn't control you." Same goes with music.
Iv'e been browsing dramatica online, it's really over the top in everything. Especially B0xxy but there's no need for that to be talked about, lets just hope we can get on in a matter of minutes. I will wait half-hour after the 24 hour period and if it's not up, I'm going to bed.
The game actually somewhat gave me the jumps at times, when it's really dark and hence the name of the title there's some scary moments in the game. I liked it the first time, don't know if I would really want to play again though.
No unlimited ammo, but you get a bunch of upgrades and most areas arn't that dark to the point where you need to pull out the plasma cutter to see. It's not dark like Doom 3 Dark. In some case it's actually easy to get all the achievements for it, I did atleast, and one more thing it's always good to have the sound up.
If people were even more patient, then game developers could put a lot of single player gameplay rather than just put so much effort in multiplayer. The 24 hrs. update mat. isn't bothering me, I'm getting some single player done on some games.
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