Racer_XLR / Member

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I ALMOST got owned... by myself

Everyone has a little fun...right?! Note: This was the first time I went to my school website. :P I need to pay attention... Anyway, yesterday my roommate seriously tried to pull a fast one on me. I mean I cant be easily tricked when I'm paying attention... but when I'm not.... He woke me up yesterday evening telling me that classes were cancelled. Being the unsure guy that I am I went to check the school website... it stated that classes were cancelled September 5th due to frequent power outages. This really got me puzzled as that evening the power was not out. Yes.. power was out for a while due to Mr. Gustav, even though the city/radio stations said that it would be out for 1 whole week. Enough of that... the next day, which is today, I checked the website once again just to see if it was updated, and once again it stated classes were cancelled. I was still not believing that so I took a walk to the front administration office and ask the dean myself. He said that classes were not cancelled. :o I went back to my dorm and asked my roommate why the dean would say such a thing?!?! He claims that classes are cancelled... so we both looked on the website, once more, and it said "Classes are cancelled on September 5th due to frequent power outages" What he didn't realize was I noticed something... he went to previous pages before updates were made on the main page. The only reason I noticed this was because of how fast he exited the webpage... which made me curious. I grabbed his shirt and threw him out of "our" computer chair and got on myself. I went to the main page and it stated that all classes resume September 5th. I was literally about to slap myself... how could I have gone through pages of previous updates without realizing it?! >__> Yes we can do that... if our Vice President just so happenes to update something as I type this(blog) I can go back and check the previous updates they've made. Go ahead ask me how I almost made a complete "genious" of myself... I know I would.