Racer_XLR / Member

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That was a GREAT day.

Has this ever happened to you?

Yesterday, I had to go to meeting for all the Freshman. It was raining at the time and might be one of the funniest and most aggrivating moments of my life. :P

As I said, I had to go to a meeting and it was rainging. It got to the point were the rain just took over and I was unable to see the road. So I had to pull into a gas station and wait till the storm passed, yeah I'm a safe driver. I was waiting there for about 40 minutes at most and during that span of time I wanted to stand outside just to get some air instead of sitting in the car. That plan was doomed from the start.

I have this habit to were everytime and I mean everytime... I lock the door behind me. This time I didn't have my keys with me. I didn't realize this until I tried to unlock my door. Padding myself down, trying to look for my keys, I now know that I was screwed and I have locked myself out of my car. >__>

Being the person that I am, I laughed a little...yeah I laughed. Some people would panic, but I dont. I had to call my dad to bring my spare key with him. He came, dying in laughter, while unlocking my door. Yeah dad, laugh at your sons stupidity.

The best day of my life!!