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Why so many people are upset with the number 8? I'll tell you why...

I'll tell you why so many people are upset with the number 8 In this particular web site. Back in 2003, when the console war was in full swing (ps2 vs xbox) was incredibly the primary source for video games. For many people and my friends. While other similar websites existed as "IGN" all knew that games there have always been over-rated. I remember when a game was ranked 9 or more GameSpot gave him the famous "editor's choice" medal. It was a personal triumph for those who were looking forward to see the result of the ranking of their favorite game. It was not necessary to read the summary to realize that the medal meant everything. A must-buy. The best game. But more than anything was the perfect time to make fun of those who thought their favorite game deserved the medal and failed. It was the favorite school subject among friends. All that has changed with time. Today it is possible that a game does not get the "editor's choice" award for the simple fact that a particular editor agrees not to assert in this way while the rest of the community of editors think otherwise. Then GameSpot has become a center of personal criticism "blog" style that an actual site for reviews. I think there is a big difference between critics and reviewers. Critics are similar to reviewers but critics do not give importance to the community playing video games they just focus on their honest and personal criticism. While the reviewer should always take into account the negative effect to express a personal criticism to a video game. Changing the traditional way of reviewing games would diminish the value of what "editor's choice" represents on their website. In other words they are reviewing the games using personal numbers without considering the opinion of the rest of his fellow reviewers of the same company. They should consider the opinion of rest of his team and combine the result of them with the reviewer in any game. Would make more sense to think that the rating given is a result of several experts in the field and not just the opinion of one. It is very important because many people use the rating of a game as an investment. And it costs money to Us! Players seek the most appropriate rating to spend their money.