Sentranissan: "You console kiddies" Excuse me but, if your gonna insult console gamers, in a topic about a console then go away, nobody wants to hear it. And I may be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure that FEAR is commin' out on either PS3 or 360, though as I said I may be wrong. The fact is that PC's are messy things, requiring an utterley stupid amount of constant tweakint, now you COULD argue that this allows PCs to constantly stay on top of console technology. But does it really make a difference? A PC can shade things better... right, very good. I bet the PS3 could run any game designed for PC with the Cell, regardless of graphics, and as arthururatani mentioned, console designers come up with creative ways to render graphics over using pure power, and I guarrantee those shading techniques fall into this category. And I already KNOW that consoles ain't gettin lower-res textures. Man, I still remember when they said that Splinter Cell wouldn't run on a PS2... They were wrong, the creators found away around it. Now go away and come back when you have a better argument other than: my PC can render soft shadows.
I agree with Eclipse man, console games don't need constantly updated hardware/software. I still remember the nightmare I had trying to pimp up my pc just to play Deus Ex: Invisible War. And even when I could, the game didn't play smoothly, consoles don't have that problem regardless of how, much RAM they put into displaying graphics. Oh and XBOXers can go home. Anything the 360 can do so can the original XBOX, the 360 just ain't next-gen face-up to it. Originally I didn't think the console was worth the money for playing Blu-Ray but concidering the limitless memory space it has for a single game, I know I'm getting more than my moneys worth, espesh if the online gaming is free w00t!
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