I'm loving it. Full Insanity run, of course, with my Infiltrator from start. I got manly tear after establishing my first outpost! I missed games that can make me feel that. TW3 was the latest, still my favorite but I'm a ME fan all the way too. Still hate EA but I'm glad Bioware gave us some great game! All my ME friends are climbing the board at the MPlayer. I'm leaving that for later. A few missions here and there just to keep me sharp. INSANITY! Woot!!!
Games already have "Casual" difficulty. Anything less than that, I'd rather have CDProjekt April's fool joke come true: "autoplay feature on the easiest difficulty setting that will not burden you with anything gameplay-related".
While her ideas for video games are really stupid, she should never be attacked for it. The worst thing that could ever be said about it to her would be: "Go read a book and forget about playing games". It would be like trying to change the rules of a sport, like tennis or basketball, for women who may not want to run so much or physical contact...
RageGT's comments