Raidiyohed Blog
More trailers for Zelda Film
by Raidiyohed on Comments
On IGN movies, there are two trailers up now.
I just realised this could all be an elaborate prank. Guess when the trailers were released?
April 1.
And it's slated for release in April 2009 as well. Yep, a film may be too good to be true, it'd have to be an April Fools prank.
Oh well, here's a link to the two trailers. Just scroll down to find them.
Legend Of Zelda Film?
by Raidiyohed on Comments
I know, there's heaps of fake trailers all over the place. But today I saw one on MySpace TV that was very convincing. Take a look, see for yourself.
The actors weren't bad (although Zelda wasn't that good), and it looked as if it had a pretty high budget for special effects and the like. All in all, it looked much much better than the previous Zelda film 'trailers' we've seen. That, and this one had one of those credit like shots where everyone's name is shown in one frame, as well as a release date for April 2009. Well, we'll just have to wait and see.
by Raidiyohed on Comments
I'm already a Level 2 Journeyman or whatever,
and 32% though that!
That's awesome :)
When I'm on level 3,
I'll be able to use userbars :)
Can someone help me with the game collection thingo?
I want to add my games, but I can't work out how :(
I would post in the noob forums, but, meh.
Oh well. I'm off, to play UT2003 :D
I bought UT3, but it doesn't work. YARR!
And I meet the specs and all as well. What a way to PISS SOMEONE OFF.
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My first blog, GameSpot n00b
by Raidiyohed on Comments
This is scary.
Not really, but, enough to terrify a noob like me.
I want userbars! But you have to be level 3!
*grumble grumble*
Games I'm currently playing:
Mario Kart DS
Pokémon Diamond
Guitar Hero III, Wii Version
Super Mario Galaxy
I love Nintendo,
huge Nintendo fanboy.
It's quite sad, really.
Anyway, I really want my points,
so I hope posting a blog gives you some.
By the way, if anyone actually reads this,
how long does it usually take to increase a level?
Cause if it's like months, I'm gonna smash something.
Not my monitor, though.
I love it too much.
Now Listening To
The Bends
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