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RaijiMagiwind Blog


Figured time to clear off the old blog....

Since the last blog, I have acquired a number of new games and as such playing them all as I have a moment. Most if you haven't guessed are of a Persona nature....Been playing P4, P3, Persona (PSP) and P3P along with Dissidia....

The time have wound around again to make the trip to AWA again, which will be followed by Youmacon.

Will return with Philemon (Persona 2 version) to both...other costumes are still TBD....

Here's a shot from the Persona Midnight/Dark Hour shoot at ACEN 2010...

Yes the gathering took place at 12 midnight...and mind you it was bloody f***ing cold that as Hell itself all day, and then dropped like 30 degrees in time for our shoot...

(I'm next to the Junpei and Teddy...crouching...butterfly mask

Suffice to say me and Elizabeth where kinda shivering....I think Teddy was the only one who stayed actually warm... I think we all wanted to squish into Teddy by the end of the shoot...>>

We ended the shoot with a rousing game of Persona...:) (As in reenacted the Persona game they play at the beginning of the first game)

Looking forward....

Well I'm looking forward to a number of things, such as the release of FF: Dissidia for the PSP and Persona as well. Also looking forward to attending AWA again, so worlking on all that as well.

Bringing with me my cosplay of Philemon from Persona, which should be'll be his P2 version, unless I by chance finish his Revelations outfit, which if I did would be epically fitting since the game is released on the 22 of September, just after AWA.....I'm gonna actually try to get in finished....>>

ACen Bound

Hello everyone and welcome to Raiji's journal. As the title says I AM ACen bound!!! This marks my first out of state convention which makes me very excited!!!!

It also marks 10 years as a cosplayer, and it also happens to be the tenth anniversary for ACen as well!

So now the list of things to do....

--Pre-reg (done, thank god!)

--Pay person I'm rooming with (done, thank god!)

--Cosplays!! Reprising Bankai Ichigo who debuted at Youmacon '06 (Repairing guard), Zexion (almost done!! and hands hate me! Now stalled, cause of problems), and Squall in his SeeD dress uniform (getting a little help on this one)

--Pull out the backup emergancy cosplay's. DeathNote YAY!! But who will it be? L, Light, Near or Mello?

--Skit idea +KH/FMA X-over+ for Masquerade (and find KH and FMA cosplayers to do it with!)-50% Placed on hold due to stall in Zexion costume.

--Decide exactly wheather I want to do ACen Idol... (gotta find a song to do first!!)

--Get wigs for cosplays....(not repeating the near blinding from hairspray dye again this year.)- Got Squall's, now for Ichigo.

--Finish outfit for the Charity Masquerade

--See if muse is gonna show face and create something to auction for the Art Show.... (Muse came back, but is on a fetish for a fellow RP'ers character...X_x)

and god knows what else that I can't think of off hand!

So as you can see I've been going fruity...