It's their game, their franchise, they can do with it as they see fit.
Being a fan is a choice, not a right.
I agree to thatÂ
It's their game, their franchise, they can do with it as they see fit.
Being a fan is a choice, not a right.
I agree to thatÂ
so you wan't absolutely nothing to change in devil may cry whatsoever?
I'm talking about the characters not the story let them change the story not the characters and if I wanted absolutely nothing to change I wouldn't liked Devil May Cry 2,3 and 4 in this games they add more characters and changed the story and every one loved it [for me I loved 1 and 3 for 2 Dante was weird that's why I didn't like it that much and 4 was ok],
The core of DMC is the old Dante a DMC with out the old Dante is not DMC anymore the same goes for other games like Batman can you play a Batman game with out Batman no you cant but Capcom doesn't care and look what happens right now every one is arguing about the game because they named it some thing that this game is not.
A real Devil may cry fan is someone how gets happy when the game is good and if its not he tries to change it that's why we get angry because we care about it we don't just want some good game we want the characters the story to be the same thats way we liked it so much, We are not like those who says [it's a good game what are you angry for?] i'm angry because I care for it not like those people who just want to play some good game,
And i'm trying to be fair her this game is a good game but its not Devil May Cry thats why I suggest to Capcom to change the game name and characters names so real Devil May Cry fans can enjoy this good game like everyone else [and sorry for taking so much of your time and I hope that now everyone know the difference between some one how cares and those how don't.
sorry if I offended you
This game is good but ther is one problem with it THE NAME,
Im a Devil May Cry fan sense the very first game and believe me whin I say that this game is good but when capcom named the game DMC they ruined this game because the gamers will have to compere this game with the original Devil May Cry and if you do that you will see that this game is rubbish [maybe capcom knew that this game is rubbish but want to sale it and a good way to do that is to put a fames game name on it and every one will buy it],
And when you play this game it looks like your playing Darkness or Ashuras wrath but when you play the old games it feels like F Final Fantasy [I dont know how to explain this but Final Fantasy drawings feel real but for darkness it feels like it came from some comic books if you know what I mean],
All in All for non Devil May Cry fan this game is good but for those who is just like me this game will feel like sh*t especially when they named this emo kid Dante and that prick Virgil,
And her is a suggestion for capcom change this game name and the characters to some thing else like AMC Angel May Cry if they want to put Angels in this game so bad and name fake Dante Trace and fake Virgil Travis and while you at it name the game T&TMC Trace & Travis May Cry {and they will}.
This game is good but ther is one problem with it THE NAME,
Im a Devil May Cry fan sense the very first game and believe me whin I say that this game is good but when capcom named the game DMC they ruined this game because the gamers will have to compere this game with the original Devil May Cry and if you do that you will see that this game is rubbish [maybe capcom knew that this game is rubbish but want to sale it and a good way to do that is to put a fames game name on it and every one will buy it],
And when you play this game it looks like your playing Darkness or Ashuras wrath but when you play the old games it feels like F Final Fantasy [I dont know how to explain this but Final Fantasy drawings feel real but for darkness it feels like it came from some comic books if you know what I mean],
All in All for non Devil May Cry fan this game is good but for those who is just like me this game will feel like sh*t especially when they named this emo kid Dante and that prick Virgil,
And her is a suggestion for capcom change this game name and the characters to some thing else like AMC Angel May Cry if they want to put Angels in this game so bad and name fake Dante Trace and fake Virgil Travis and while you at it name the game T&TMC Trace & Travis May Cry {and they will}.
This game is good but ther is one problem with it THE NAME,
Im a Devil May Cry fan sense the very first game and believe me whin I say that this game is good but when capcom named the game DMC they ruined this game because the gamers will have to compere this game with the original Devil May Cry and if you do that you will see that this game is rubbish [maybe capcom knew that this game is rubbish but want to sale it and a good way to do that is to put a fames game name on it and every one will buy it],
And when you play this game it looks like your playing Darkness or Ashuras wrath but when you play the old games it feels like F Final Fantasy [I dont know how to explain this but Final Fantasy drawings feel real but for darkness it feels like it came from some comic books if you know what I mean],
All in All for non Devil May Cry fan this game is good but for those who is just like me this game will feel like sh*t especially when they named this emo kid Dante and that prick Virgil,
And her is a suggestion for capcom change this game name and the characters to some thing else like AMC Angel May Cry if they want to put Angels in this game so bad and name fake Dante Trace and fake Virgil Travis and while you at it name the game T&TMC Trace & Travis May Cry {and they will}.
This game is good but ther is one problem with it THE NAME,
Im a Devil May Cry fan sense the very first game and believe me whin I say that this game is good but when capcom named the game DMC they ruined this game because the gamers will have to compere this game with the original Devil May Cry and if you do that you will see that this game is rubbish [maybe capcom knew that this game is rubbish but want to sale it and a good way to do that is to put a fames game name on it and every one will buy it],
And when you play this game it looks like your playing Darkness or Ashuras wrath but when you play the old games it feels like F Final Fantasy [I dont know how to explain this but Final Fantasy drawings feel real but for darkness it feels like it came from some comic books if you know what I mean],
All in All for non Devil May Cry fan this game is good but for those who is just like me this game will feel like sh*t especially when they named this emo kid Dante and that prick Virgil,
And her is a suggestion for capcom change this game name and the characters to some thing else like AMC Angel May Cry if they want to put Angels in this game so bad and name fake Dante Trace and fake Virgil Travis and while you at it name the game T&TMC Trace & Travis May Cry {and they will}.
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