The DSi isn't going to outsell the PSP2 though. But it might take away a big handful of the more serious gamers if Nintendo don't release something to combat it. As for the iPod touch, theres a new generation of them due next year too and they'll swallow the casual market if Nintendo fail to react to that too.
Mario games aren't meant to be completed over an entire week. You can complete any of the sidescrolling mario games in a single sitting. Including the 90 level Super Mario World. Although New Super Mario Bros Wii isn't as hard as Super Mario Bros 1 or 3, its not far off. It's definately not going to be any harder than those games either.
The thing everyone needs to consider are the release dates of the next iPod touch and PSP. Those are the two consoles Nintendo are competing with and the DSi just wont cut it.
It's a good read if you want to look into the technology of the next handhelds from Nintendo and Sony. It suggests Nintendo's next console will be out late 2010 and will be about as powerful as the Wii.
The Gameboy Color a stealthy successor to the Gameboy? The gameboy color had a 2 year lifespan before the GBA came out. Compare that to the original Gameboy, that lasted a good 9 years. If the DSi really is a 'stealthy successor' to the DS and considering the DS is 5 years old, I predict the lifespan of the DSi to be just over 1 year. It might just push 2 years, but not without an announcement of a future handheld.
I give it a year until we hear anything concrete. I'd expect a release in a year and a half, give or take a few months. They'll need something to combat the iPhone, which has a rapidly growing and hugely profitable games market.
Alex Kidd would definately have made the better jump into 3D. I know Sonic has its hardcore fans, but i've yet to play a 3D sonic game I felt was even slightly good.
I'm going to have to disagree. I much prefer the Mario series, and even the first two Sonic games. However, it's still a decent game. As hard as nails in places, but great variety. It's the only Alex Kidd game I like mind.
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